
  1. BrettCottrell

    2008 Black Lake in the Uintas

    First Post: I've been over Rocky Sea Pass in the Uintas six times, most recently in 2009. Suggestion: Never go over Rocky Sea Pass two weeks after getting giardia in Costa Rica. I know it sounds fun, and you're probably tempted, but don't. My wife and I started at the Highline Trailhead and...
  2. Hoobie

    North Slope Tie Hacker Site Exploration

    I first heard about the Tie Hacker's when I came across a youtube video by Cordell Andersen, more can be learned on his website http://www.cordellmandersen.com. This got me very interested in the history of the Uinta's and I became obsessed. Of course I've alway's been obsessed with the Uinta's...
  3. TheDunedain

    Dead Horse Lake and The Rock Creek Drainage July 2012

    So, with the summer heat in full swing in the desert and myself no longer living around the Monticello area and back up in Salt Lake, it was time to get back up to the mountains for some backpacking. My usual backpacking buddy Jared and I had planned a trip up the West Fork of the Blacks Fork to...
  4. bscuderi

    My introduction

    I figured id skip the introductions and post the biggest trip i performed this year since reading your posts has made me nostalgic the season has ended in northern utah. I was able to get some good backpacking in this summer wand I can only hope next season I get half as many trips i look...
  5. Dave

    Ibantik Lake, Sept. 14-15 2012

    A few years back my brother and I set out on a late-season backpacking hike with the intention of overnighting at Ibantik Lake. The plan was to do an out-and-back by way of the Crystal Lake trailhead. But cold, rainy weather turned us back at the notch. We've intended to make good on the...
  6. Dstring

    The Highline Trail, 8/31 - 9/7

    OK, this is my first trip report on here (or ever for that matter) and I apologize upfront for the picture quality… no photographic skills whatsoever. Still, I promised myself that if I ever did this hike, I would be sure to share the experience and some pictures with you all. The idea to do...
  7. Artemus

    Amethyst Pass route across the Uintas Divide

    By popular request by several friends here at BackCountryPost.com I am posting a TR of traversing Amethyst Pass from a few years ago. This pass is a way to get over the Uintas Divide from south to north in the west end of our precious mountain range. This route’s crux is the crossing from the...
  8. Nick

    Weir & Island Lakes, Uintas

    I spent a couple nights in the Uintas last weekend for the Backcountrypost Uinta Fest. I was able to slip out of work a little early on Friday so I went home, picked up Nikita, and raced on up to the Crystal Lake trailhead. Most of the group was planning on coming in on Saturday and meeting us...
  9. Aldaron

    Garfield Basin or "Don't ever let me hike here again"

    Well, on August 18, 2012, my wife and I took another couple to backpack to Spider Lake in Garfield Basin up in the Uintas. We had backpacked to Long Park and Swasey Lake before, but I wanted to make it further to Spider Lake. The friends, I should mention, were younger, but had never been...
  10. leatherman

    West Fork Black's Fork 8/15-8/18

    There have been a lot of folks up this drainage this summer so I don't have a lot to add to what's already been posted. This was our first pack trip to the Uintas and it was certainly enough to whet our appetite for more. We had a late start the first day and due to the sheep grazing in the area...
  11. Deadeye008

    Fish Lake area of the Uintas

    I was going to wait until I had the video done for this trip to post a TR but I haven't had the time lately to work on the video so I'll just add it to the report when I get it done. I have been backpacking into this area for the past 15+ years. Always coming up the Dry Creek TH and always with...
  12. A

    West Uintas south of Trial lake 08/11 to 08/12

    What was going to be a backpacking trip turned into a car camp. I still need a tent for 4 that is not too heavy and the Osprey pack for my wife just showed up today. Next time we will leave the Jeep at the trail. We got to the Trial lake area early Saturday morning and I was shocked at how...
  13. DAA

    5 nights, 50 miles in the Uintas

    Earlier this year my Son and I were invited to join the Scout troop on their semi-annual “50 miler” backpacking trip in the Uintas. I have been wanting to do something like this for years and it sounded like fun to my son Logan, so we accepted the invite and started preparing. As things worked...
  14. Go-deep

    Backpacking to Dead Horse Lake.

    Was able to break away for the weekend and went backpacking to Dead Horse Lake. I have been going up there for about 4 years and this was the busiest I have ever seen it. Busy as in there was 3 other groups at the Lake. In the past we were lucky if we saw anyone else up there. Maybe I was just...
  15. uintahiker

    Blacks Fork Commissary

    Re-post from my blog at www.livevicariouslythroughus.blogspot.com I've had Blacks Fork Commissary on my list of places to visit for quite a long time, so this last weekend we made it happen. It's a little over 2 hours from the Wasatch Front and isn't really near anywhere, but that's part of...
  16. Nick

    Priord Lake, Uintas

    Since I bombed my attempt at hiking the Highline, I ended up with a weekend to go backpacking that I had originally penciled in as rest time after the big hike. The thought of doing a super-relaxed hike with one of my oldest friends really hit the spot so I called up Nate and we made plans to go...
  17. J

    Norice and Priord Lakes

    This is my first trip report that I have ever written. I have been following backcountrypost.com since it began, and have been reading Nick’s trip reports of the Uintas since last year, but just had not joined yet. On July 26th through 29th I made a trip up to the Uintas and decided I would try...
  18. Udink

    Grandaddy Basin

    On the weekend of July 20-22 I went on my second backpacking trip of the year, this time to Grandaddy Basin. I chose that area because it's one of the closest places to get into the High Uintas from Price, and it has a lot of trail and lake options. I invited Chris, and he told me about an old...
  19. Nick

    The Highline: Leidy to Chepeta

    For years I've spent my summers exploring the Uintas. Checking off items on my list, one by one, rarely spending more than a 3-day weekend, but always dreaming of biting off a bigger chunk. Back in 2005, I did my most ambitious trip yet, a solo hike from West Fork Black's Fork over Dead Horse...
  20. Waynee-ack

    Moosehorn Lake 7/26/2012

    After spending last weekend at Grandaddy Lake with my 11yo. I needed to make good on a promise to my 6 yo. to take him camping. I had been having problems all week with a respiratory infection and not breathing well so I was looking for some place easy to get to. I took half a day off work on...

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