
  1. Thomas Rasmuson

    North Erickson Lake

    I have been looking all over this forum for a TR on the Erickson lakes but haven't been able to find any, so I was wondering who has visited North Erickson Lake on here? And if you have, I would love to hear about your trip. Anyway, this is from a trip my wife and I did in 2011, and this will...
  2. Thomas Rasmuson

    Cuberant Lakes 2013

    Well, I am new to this whole forum thing and this will be my first trip report, but look forward to posting more. I just can't get enought of everyone's trip reports! It's nice to know there are a lot of other people who have the same passion for the outdoors as I do! Anyway, this TR is from...
  3. Yvonne

    Amethyst Basin and Middle Basin, July 2013

    The Uintas were on my bucket list for years. A high pristine mountain area combined with alpine lakes and solitude – it all was way too tempting for me. I never made it to the Uintas when I lived in Western New York because I usually spent my time in Utah in June, way too early for a high...
  4. DrNed

    Uintas Amethyst & Middle Basins

    After having such a great time in the Uintas this summer on a week long adventure with my kids, I wanted to get out for another multi day trip before it got cold. We decided on the week of September 16. I recruited my friend Jerry, and after enjoying the pictures & trip reports here on BCP I...
  5. Dave

    Allsop Lake, July 13-14 2013

    Rock clattered down from the red-tinged headwall, cracking against other stones and long-buried bedrock. It burst into clouds of smaller fragments, speckled by mud and moss and lichen. The rolling roar of its crumbling descent reverberated off the surrounding walls, slapping back and forth until...
  6. Aldaron

    Leidy Peak and Lakeshore Basin

    Over the weekend of August 23, 2013, my wife and I took a trip to Leidy Peak in the eastern Uintas. We had tried a couple of times before to head up to Gabbro Pass, but we had always hit snow on the back side of Leidy Peak that kept us from making it because the snow slope ran straight off of a...
  7. Blake Pulver

    Dead Horse Lake Labor Day Weekend

    So my brother and I decided to plan a backpacking trip earlier this year and this site helped us a ton while figuring everything out. So thanks everyone!!! So it ended up being me,my dad, my brother and his two German shorthairs. We made it to the trailhead around two; there were two other...
  8. uinta_eagle

    Solo Uintas Loop From East Fork of the Bear

    After lurking around this forum for several years, and thoroughly enjoying the vicarious pleasures of reading about your varied and exciting experiences, I've finally found the ambition to contribute a post of my own. Labor Day weekend, 2013 found me deep in the High Uinta Wilderness on a solo...
  9. WasatchWill

    High Uintas - Middle Basin

    You can read through the details here or skip to my first attempt at a video report at the bottom... Several weeks back, I was eying an opportunity to get my wife out further into the backcountry for one last backpacking trip before school started for our kids. We circled the 13th - 15th for a...
  10. MtnMatt

    Kermsuh "shortcut"

    My son and his friends wanted to do quick overnight er in the Uintas the other day and they invited me to take them. I had 3 options in mind when we got started. 1. a quick trip into Naturalist Basin 2. the up and over Haydens into Middle basin 3. the "shortcut" up and over the northern shoulder...
  11. MtnMatt

    Notch to Divide Lakes

    Took the family on a nice hike from Crystal Lake trailhead past Wall lake to the Notch then cut across to the Divide Lakes, then down to Little Hidden for a quick meal of ramen noodles and Brook Trout. Then back out past Cliff and Watson Lakes ending up back at the truck. All tired and hungry...
  12. DrNed

    Ibantik Lake - Notch Lake

    Being a 40 something guy that can't play sports the way I use to and looking for a sport that I could do with my four kids, I got interested in backpacking after a friend gave me a subscription to Backpacker Magazine. Back in January I began planning a trip that I hoped would "hook" my kids so...
  13. DAA

    Uintas - Rock Creek, 6-27 - 6/30/13

    Seeing the Uintas conditions and trip reports here the last few weeks has had me jonesing bad for some Uintas backpacking. Been just too busy with too much other stuff though. But, finally, over this past weekend I had a few days open. My Son was up for it too, so I left work a bit early on...
  14. Nick

    Ruth Lake And Beyond

    Talk about perfect timing. A couple weeks ago, @Ndheiner and I decided to do a quick overnighter in the Uintas. Thanks to the great reports on BCP, we figured we wouldn't be battling too much snow and the crowds and mosquitos might not be out yet, so we decided to check out one of the busiest...
  15. Udink

    Uintas - Notch Mountain Area

    The last weekend in May proved to not be a good time for me to try backpacking in the Uintas. Fast-forward four weeks and conditions were wonderful. I planned out a loop in the vicinity of Notch Mountain with a little peak bagging thrown in the mix. Chris couldn't join me until late Friday...
  16. Aldaron

    Brown Duck Basin

    The first, and last, time I went to Brown Duck Basin was about seven years ago on a solo overnighter. Since I had lived in Utah less than a year at that time, and I've been to a LOT of places since then, I couldn't remember much about the hike. I vaguely recalled that it was kind of steep and...
  17. Udink

    Early Uintas Attempt

    I've regretted not getting a desert backpacking trip in this year. My laziness is probably the only thing to blame--I do have worries about finding water in the desert, but I've seen so many recent trip reports from the Escalante area that I know my fears are unfounded. I've been keeping an eye...
  18. MtnMatt

    Amethyst Basin

    Last summer we had a trip planned to take the family into Redcastle for a couple of days. I had been telling my boys how amazing it is up there for years and was kinda anxious to go myself since I hadn't been in there for quite a few years. We had it all planned and then the week before we were...
  19. MtnMatt

    Middle Basin over Haydens

    This is one of those trips that is really 3 trips. I went into Ryder Lake with a couple of my brothers a few years back. We went in from Christmas Meadows like any normal (smart) people do. It is a really nice hike along a beautiful stream but its kinda long and at the end when your already...
  20. Aldaron

    Colton Guard Station

    It's been so quiet on here the past few days that I thought I would post a quick trip report. The weekend after Christmas, we went snowshoeing with some friends up to Colton Guard Station on the eastern end of the Uintas. We drove in on Friday morning and started the trail later on Friday...

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