
  1. JoshuaDyal

    West Fork Blacks Fork, week of June 29th

    Spent the last week at West Fork Blacks Fork, after a day of getting acclimated at Bear River Campground first. Took my 13 year old son and explored the Mirror Lake Highway for a bit, and then dove into the back country for a few days. My son decided that backpacking may not be for him; he was...
  2. elkaholic

    Ibantik lake

    This last weekend I took our scouts to Ibantik lakt in the Unitas. This hike was to be an overnighter and a practice hike for the 4 day trip we will be taking next week. We began our hike at the crystal lake trail head and started with the trail that goes past cliff and Clyde lake. It has been...
  3. Parma

    Pine Island Lake - Grandaddy Basin

    June 24-27, 2015 I took the ole Varsity Scouts to a place never visited before by scouts...the Grandaddy Basin! This was a good trip to kick off the mountain backpacking season. It's always great to get into the Uintas for the first time of the year. We chose Pine Island Lake, it's 7 miles from...
  4. WasatchWill

    Daddy Daughter: To the Notch & 17 Lakes

    It was a long time coming. My 6-year-old, Ellory, finally got her turn out with dad. This daddy-daughter trip would take us into the Uintas, where we would backpack what has been dubbed the "Seventeen Lakes Loop" and include a little day hike to the Notch. The main objective, though, was to...
  5. WasatchWill

    All Alone in Naturalist Basin

    For the month of June, my shift at work has me getting Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. I had Naturalist Basin penciled in for the last week of June. Due to wet and muddy conditions earlier in the month in the area I had planned a daddy-daughter trip with my second oldest, I decided to allow a...
  6. Mike K

    Uintas - Allsop and The Cathedral

    A couple of friends and I went to the Allsop Basin Fri - Monday (June 12- 15, 2015). We timed it pretty well as far as snow, bugs, and people. The weather was awesome (minus a brief hail storm that pinned us down as were about 2 minutes from the car on the way out- doh!), there were only a few...
  7. lostlandscapes

    Lower Red Castle Lake -- 6/13/15

    Been a while since I posted here but with the curiosity about Uintas conditions I figured this would be a good time to reactivate. Mandy and I made our way up to Lower Red Castle Lake this past weekend for our first trek up the famed East Fork Smith's Fork. I was aware of several, differing...
  8. DrNed

    Highline To WFBF Part 6

    This trip first appeared on my blog as nine different parts. After doing five here, I was feeling I was stretching it out a bit more than I should have. So here the last four parts to this trip. After hiking around the lakes and going up and down the nearby cliffs we headed back to camp - I...
  9. DrNed

    Highline To WFBF part 5

    Having put seven plus miles of hiking with some moderately steep climbs I was beat. So the first thing I did was take off the pack and sit down and have some lunch. Unfortunately, lunch wasn't a medium rare steak . . . it was two Clif Bars, which is the case everyday of backpacking. One of...
  10. DrNed

    Highline to WFBF part 4

    After leaving the Gladys Lake area we hike through some nondescript areas and eventually to some high mountain meadows that were filled with beautiful wild flowers. This picture simply doesn't do this area justice. First off this meadow is huge. The trail bobs up and down for more than a...
  11. DrNed

    Highline Trail to WFBF part 3

    After finding the cairns and getting back on track, our objective was to get to the Upper Rock Creek Trail. There are several trails through the Rock Creek Drainage, but we wanted the upper trail. Like a bowl has a top rim, the Rock Creek Drainage has a top rim and we wanted the trail that goes...
  12. Ben

    uintas, kings peak from swift creek th

    Early september my brother and i did Kings Peak. Not knowing to do any thing else, we went from the south, at the swift creek trail head. We went out the Swift Creek trail, which crosses Bluebell Pass and reconnects with the Yellowstone Creek trail. From that junction we continued up to the...
  13. Mullet

    Allsop Lake, Yard Peak to Priord Lake

    The guys and I decided to take a little trip in the Uintas last year around Sept. We started at East Fork Bear River trail head. Headed up the trail we saw old logging cabins This is just after the split to go to Allsop lake The light was running out on us but i got a glance at Mt.Beulah...
  14. Parma

    Kings Peak (August 2014)

    I know many of you probably have done this trip, but I didn't find too many trip reports on it, so you get mine! This was done August 13-16, 2014 with our Boy Scout Troop from Saratoga Springs, UT. So for you scoutmasters looking for info on this trip, I hope this can help. Or for those that...
  15. natylka

    Overnight Camping, Hiking and Climbing at Ruth Lake-August 2014

    Toward the end of August, we decided to go to Ruth Lake at Uinta. We found a great camping spot hiking in 2 miles. We had a blast climbing there but boy was it cold. If the sun wasn't shining then it would have not been possible to climb. .
  16. Nick

    Bald Mountain, June 2007

    June 2007 This is a popular day hike in the Uintas. It's right off the highway near the high point at Bald Mountain Pass. It hit very near 100 degrees in the valley yesterday so it was especially nice to be high in the mountains. trip date: 6/17/07 distance: 4 Miles Round Trip starting...
  17. Nick

    Uintas Splitboarding 05/06

    Back in the winter of 2005/2006, I lived in Kamas, Utah, right at the start of the Mirror Lake Highway. I spent many of my weekends up in the hills east of Kamas skinning around on my splitboard with the dogs. I've never posted a trip report or anything from it, but Steve's thread asking about...
  18. DrNed

    Highline Trail To WFBF Part 2

    After reaching the top of Rocky Sea Pass we started descending into the Rock Creek Drainage. It's from this side you can see where the pass gets it's name. Looking out over the Rock Creek Drainage while descending the rocky side of Rocky Sea Pass. See that pointy peak in the top middle of the...
  19. DrNed

    Highline Trail to WFBF Part 1

    This is a test run of embedding from my blog to BCP. @Nick I've got this TR broken down into several parts. If you prefer that I submit it as one TR let me know and I"ll do that. From July 21 through July 26 2014, two of my children and I went on a backpacking trip through the High Uinta...
  20. Dave

    Long Lake, October 4-5 2014

    October has proved unseasonably mild in Utah this year. I took advantage of this for a late-season overnighter in the Uintas on Saturday the 4th. Snow had already fallen above about 10,000 feet but it stacked up only in patches and wasn't yet an obstacle. Unfortunately, I didn't get started on...

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