Uintas Splitboarding 05/06


Aug 9, 2007
Back in the winter of 2005/2006, I lived in Kamas, Utah, right at the start of the Mirror Lake Highway. I spent many of my weekends up in the hills east of Kamas skinning around on my splitboard with the dogs. I've never posted a trip report or anything from it, but Steve's thread asking about beginner runs sent me down memory lane so I thought I'd post something.

First off, I am not at all an expert at evaluating avalanche risk, etc. So be sure you are before you put yourself at risk. I was usually alone on these outings so I almost always chose low angle slopes that didn't appear to pose any risk to me. I'd usually skin in the trees along open spaces and scout out my run on the way up. Here is a map of my two favorite places. I don't know that they have real names, but I named them 'Dogwood' and 'The Rock Pile'.

Dogwood was definitely my favorite and definitely the safest feeling. I'd just park at the pullout for the Shingle Creek campground, then skin west on the campground road until I could find a nice slope to head up on (still heading east). It eventually leads to the top of a low ridge where there are plenty of mostly tree-free runs to enjoy and all pretty low angle but still steep enough to be really fun with limitless powder runs.

The Rock Pile is a little further up the highway. I'd part at the North Fork Provo River parking area (I think that's what it's called) and then skin down to the Provo River. Find a snow bridge over the river and then start up through the aspens on the other side. Usually I'd find other skin trails to follow for much of the route. Once up, I'd head east to a point where there is a large rock slide that provides an awesome short run. It's steep enough that it could slide, but I did my best to only go when I felt it was pretty safe. For people that like jumps, there are a handful of little cliffs you can pop off of on the way down it.

I tried a few other places but most were too thick with trees or the slope sucked, especially on the north side of the highway.

Now the pics...

Early winter skinning along the Provo River

Perhaps the best reason it's worth driving to Kamas: bringing the dogs.

Looking for a snow bridge to cross the Provo River on the way up to The Rock Pile.

Skinning through aspens on the way to The Rock Pile.
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Nikita loves snow.

Nice views toward the High Uintas.


Top of the rock pile.

Looking down the rock pile.
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Definitely steep enough to slide so I was probably dumb to be out doing it alone.

I loved taking short spurts downhill and then watching the dogs freak out and chase me down.

It was 2005, Myspace was HOT! Had to get my selfie on.

Looking up at the rock pile run.

View of the rock pile from closer to the parking area.

Nikita skinning up through dogwood.
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These are the typical runs at dogwood. I felt really safe here and it almost never had any other tracks.
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Looking down from near the top of dogwood.

So satisfying to be the only tracks around.
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The dogs found the snow to be a great medium to wrestle in.
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Spring trip to Dogwood

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Awesome! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for sharing that. I'll be heading up there soon.
what pretty dogs.
also, holy young Nick.
They sure are. Those two had a lot of fun back in the day. Sadly Sonny (the yellow one) is no longer with us. He was a year or two younger than Nikita but he passed a year or two ago. He was my friend's dog. Nikita is still rocking it. Pushing 13 years, 11 of which with me. As for me, what can I say? It's been a rough decade. :)
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Reactions: Ben
Looks like too much fun to pass up! I have a heber friend that is looking for tours outside of the wasatch and I'll have to try this one out with him when things get deeper and more improtantly safer.

My only experince with skiing the Uintas is when they open the road in the spring, and I have only done Murdock Peak...which is WHIMPY! Hoping to try Watson's East Face this upcoming spring.