
  1. Yvonne

    Yellowstone 2018 - a solo trip hiking and exploring America's first National Park: Part II Madison

    Part II: Madison September 10 I broke camp around 7 am. Since I barely slept again I was happy to move and do something. There were elk again on my campsite in the morning which was pretty funny, they really seemed to like the bushes next to the camp spots. Today would be a relaxing day with...
  2. Yvonne

    Yellowstone 2018- A solo trip hiking and exploring America’s first National Park: Part I Mammoth

    Yellowstone 2018- A solo trip hiking and exploring America’s first National Park I always wanted to explore Yellowstone in depth. All these amazing images of geysers, colorful hot springs, expansive wide-open areas in the backcountry – I was so hooked. While I lived in Hawai’i and worked as a...
  3. Jackson

    Hailey-Washakie Loop

    July 13-16, 2019 The high snow levels of this past winter and spring, combined with having to study for the bar exam all summer, have made for a summer generally lacking in outdoor exploits for me so far. Thankfully(?), the bar exam is in a week and a half, and after that, I can be free of the...
  4. Dreamer

    Wind River Dreaming | Summer 2014 the first few days July 9 - 14

    The summer of 2014 saw quite a bit of early season snow in the Winds. I delayed my launch a little and chose an easy start on the Pole Creek Trail. Patchy snow in the trail began not far above the trailhead. Generally I avoid the popular spots even though they are very scenic, but early and...
  5. Jon Carbaugh

    Yellowstone, Wildlife and Slough Creek May 23 to 26th

    My wife and I have made it an annual tradition to take an early trip to Yellowstone in May. This year we were planning to spend 2 or 3 nights up Slough Creek with @Joey if we could. However, with the weather forecast calling for a winter storm for the northern part of the park from the...
  6. b.stark

    Wind River Range 2009 "From The Vault"

    As part of my continuing posting of old trips (to keep me busy/out of trouble, and you all possibly entertained) here is what is probably my most epic trip so far. Three of us set out on a mostly off trail route in the northern Wind River Range. It wasn't super long on miles, but was long on...
  7. TractorDoc

    September Day Hike in Yellowstone -- Wrangler Lake and Beyond.

    I was fortunate to spend a week in Yellowstone National Park this past September 15-22, 2018. This year's trip was going to be a bit of a wild card due to the fact that I was bringing three family members with me, none of which had previously crossed the Mississippi much less been to...
  8. scatman

    Ice Lake, Yellowstone National Park - September 14, 2018

    This report covers a four day backpacking trip into Ice Lake in Yellowstone National Park, starting on September 14th and running through the 17th. This trip was with three of my old backpacking buddies who are getting a bit long in the tooth and don't get out much anymore. One in particular...
  9. Kullaberg63

    Wind Rivers, Circling Downs Mountain

    September is arguably the best month for backpacking the western US mountains. Finally this year we managed to get a week off that handily coinciding with a stellar forecast for the Winds. From near Dubois we did a loop circling Downs Mountain (northernmost thirteener on the CD?), crossing the...
  10. Burrito

    Winds - Pole Creek -> Lester Pass -> Island Lake / Titcomb -> Hobbs

    I did this same route last year (minus the day trip to Titcomb) in reverse on the July 4th weekend and had a COMPLETELY different experience then than I had this past weekend. The trip report for that expedition is here...
  11. Georgia Yankee

    Greybull River July 2018

    My wife and I took a week-long trip up the Greybull River into the southeastern Absarokas the last week of July, 2018. We hiked in two days from the Jack Creek campground/trailhead and camped near the confluence of the Greybull River and Cow Creek. We day-hiked from there for three days and...
  12. b.stark

    Island Lake/Titcomb Basin in July

    Thought I'd throw up my pics from the trip I did with @Curt and 3 other folks last month. The weather was rainy and cool this morning, so I stayed inside and edited pictures for the first time in a while. Not going to go into too many details since Curt did a fine report that can be found...
  13. scatman

    Electric Peak and Sportsman Lake, Yellowstone National Park - August 9, 2018

    @Artemus and his wife Becky graciously invited my family to join them on their backpacking trip across the Gallatin Range in the northwest quadrant of Yellowstone National Park. The trip would include summiting Electric Peak and staying at Sportsman Lake. While my wife was unable to join in, my...
  14. jdfut66

    Teton Crest Trail - August 2018

    Pre Trip I didn't decide to do this trip until after all the permits were gone online, so I showed up at the Moose Visitor Center at about 6 AM and I was the second person in line. I drove up the night before from Farmington, UT and slept in my car in Jackson. I was lucky and was able to get...
  15. J

    Gros Ventre Wilderness

    This trip took place a couple weeks ago before the Sawtooth trip I posted. I took my wife and 14 yo son around a 34 mile loop in the Gros Ventre Wilderness. I put together a route that starts at the Granite Hot Springs then up Granite Creek and goes over a couple of passes before descending...
  16. Curt

    Wind River Range - July 2018

    This was a trip from Elkhart Park to the Titcomb Basin. There have been many posts here for this trip but none recently so I thought I'd add another to the opus. The Titcomb Basin has been on the bucket list for a long time. I made a trip up here several years ago on a long 4 day weekend with...
  17. P

    Yellowstone - Lonestar into the Upper Bechler and back

    A month or so ago, I asked if anyone wanted to join me for a leisurely trip into the Bechler. It didn't take long before I got a response from Eric and Kevin, and after a few questions, things were set. On the appointed morning we met at the Grant backcountry office and were soon on our way to...
  18. scatman

    Plateau Lake and Buffalo Meadows, Yellowstone National Park 7/27 - 7/30

    I had originally intended to hike to Plateau Lake back in the spring of 2015 as part of my off-trail loop around the upper Firehole River Drainage. I had reserved the campsite at Summit Lake for two nights and had hoped to day hike from there to Plateau Lake, which was approximately 13 miles...
  19. Cburton

    A week along the Continental Divide in Wind River Range

    This was my big adventure for 2017. A full week backpacking the Wind River Range, which I researched thoroughly on this site. The on-trail dates were September 9th-15th, 2017. I tried to get by without writing a trip report, but Nick won't give me advice on my upcoming Teton Crest Trail trip...
  20. HomerJ

    Teton Crest Trail - August 2017

    Last August some friends and I did our first ever backpacking trip in the Tetons. It was such a fun trip! I had been wanting to do the TCT for many years! Because of work schedules and vacations days we were only able to do a 3 day trip. We cheated and took the tram at Teton Village and hiked...

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