
  1. K

    The Thorofare and the Absaroka Wilderness

    Now for years have been hiking, camping, and wandering in the Thorofare and the Absaroka Mountain Wilderness in Wyoming. For myself the first year I was back in this wild country was several times in the summer of 1982 before the Yellowstone Fires of 1982. Yes there has been changes thru the...
  2. J

    Southern Winds

    It has been suggested that I post some trip reports so people can get to know me better. Last August I did a loop route in the Southern Winds with my 20 year old son and one of his friends. My son and I have done multiple trips in the Winds but this is the first time we have explored South...
  3. LarryBoy

    Absarokas Fun Route - 12 Days of High Adventure

    In August of 2017, I had the opportunity to take the trip of a lifetime - a week and a half in Wyoming's fantastic Absaroka Range. I started at Togwotee Pass and hiked north, ending in Cooke City MT. Note - this is a more "technical" writeup of my trip, with maps, route considerations, and...
  4. AbinadiWitness

    Wind River Range: Chasing Dreams - 15-19 August 2016

    ***Another "I'm new here/catch-up post" from 2016 (posted here Oct. 2017): This was my first real foray into the stunning Wind River Range in Wyoming. The week before this trip I had packed out to Island Lake in a day from Elkhart Park but had to turn back the very next morning because my hiking...
  5. scatman

    Lava Creek, Teton Wilderness - October 6, 2017

    I've been taking advantage, weather permitting, of the Columbus Day weekend for a number of years to head up to the Teton Wilderness and get some October backpacking in. These trips tend to be the last of my backpacking for the year, so I always look forward to a short trip before the snow...
  6. Lowro

    The Southern Winds

    This August trip back to the Winds was all I could hope for and nothing that I expected if that makes any sense. I started planning this trip in May of 2016 and this site with all of you were a huge resource for that and I thank you for all your knowledge and information. The plan was to spend 9...
  7. Rello

    Gannett Peak, WY - August 20, 2017.

  8. fiber

    Wind River Range, South - Sept 2-6, 2017

    I created this route based on one posted by LarryBoy. He was absolutely right, it is a great route and once you leave the Big Sandy Lake area, there are very few people. This was labor day weekend and Big Sandy TH was packed with +50 cars. We had to park half a mile from the TH in a field...
  9. westy

    Wind River 2

    A much anticipated loop from Elkhart to Elkhart. I've wanted to visit the Alpine/Brown Cliffs lakes for a long time and this was it. Weather started out boring for the first 4-5 days, but then got some clouds for more interesting light. I LOVE the forested rolling domes of the pole creek area ...
  10. westy

    Wind River

    One of my Wind River trips from the summer, Green River lakes to Green River Lakes loop. Weather was awesome, cloudy and rainy at times, lots of shifting dappled light. Creek crossings were all high, and slippery ! And lots of wild flowers in bloom in the meadows. I loved this NW corner of the...
  11. Jackson

    Southern Absarokas - Cub Creek and South Buffalo Fork

    August 10-12, 2017 This trip was originally going to be one night longer, at least 12 miles longer, and include a significant portion of the Buffalo Plateau, but we realized those plans were too ambitious. More on that later. I had been planning this trip for the last year after reading trip...
  12. E

    Paintbrush/Cascade in Grand Teton

    All - thanks for all of your help in assisting me and my group in planning our trip. Leading up to the trip we thought we would need ice axes for the Divide (we were permitted for Aug 3-5). When we went to the Ranger station in Moose/Visitor Center on the 2nd they showed us a picture and said...
  13. Jackson

    Lester Pass Loop

    10-12 August, 2016 I never know how to name these. Lester Pass was a prominent landmark that we walked over, so I guess I'll make it the namesake of this thread. I went to the Wind River Range with two friends, Gavin and Dan. As usual, the responsibility of planning the location and route fell...
  14. Jon Carbaugh

    Yellowstone, Lamar River - August 2015

    On August 10th 2015 my wife Rose and I embarked on our first big, (big to us) rookie backpacking trip. We started at the Lamar River /Soda Butte trailhead. When we arrived at the trailhead the Wolfwatchers were out in full force so we had to wait over an hour until someone left to get a parking...
  15. Dave

    Green River Lakes Redux

    The long winter nights have my mind meandering back to warmer days, to wind rippling the surface of opalescent glacial waters. I can't tell this story better than @Nick already has, but enough time has now past that perhaps a new round of pictures won't seem too repetitive. Bringing a boat...
  16. Dave

    Yellowstone and Teton, July 2015

    Two iconic parks in one whirlwind weekend. The accommodations were relatively plush. Two nights in Island Park and a third on the shores of Jackson Lake at the Signal Mountain Lodge. Hikes were, with one exception, short and languid. That one exception: I nearly caused myself a cardiac crisis...
  17. blueeyes

    Dunanda Falls October 2015

    Moving to Idaho marked some big changes for our family. A rather big one was Spencer graduating from high school. He wasn’t very fond of where we moved to and has been going about doing the adult thing living away from home. As mom this makes me sad and happy, sad only because it makes it hard...
  18. steve

    Wind Rivers Traverse - Backpacking 90 miles in the Wind Rivers

    In early Sept, 2015, 4 of us headed into the Wind Rivers for the first time. It was an incredible trip. We started at Green River Lakes, and traversed the range, ending in Big Sandy at the end of the trip. We calculated our route took us about 90 miles.
  19. isleroyaleguy

    Teton Crest trail. ...Doug and Anita Tour 2015...final chapter!

    No sleeping in today! This was another big day that we had been dreaming about for months. Today we would climb up over Paintbrush Divide. But it wasn't going to be easy. We could make out the trail from our camp, as it climbed steadily along the increasingly steep mountain slope. No...
  20. isleroyaleguy

    Teton Crest trail. ..Doug and Anita Tour 2015...part 2

    What can I say, woke up to another beautiful day and it was going to be a big one. We had waited for this day for months. You hear about it, you read about it. Today we were going over Hurricane Pass but it was going to be a five+ mile hike before we started that climb. But it was a nice one...

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