
  1. swmalone

    Yellowstone Camping Trip - August 18-20, 2020

    Finally, something we planned that actually worked out. I made the reservation for the Grant campsite in January. We have had to change or cancel a lot of plans, just like everyone else. We decided that as long as we stuck to our plans for Yellowstone and took precautions that we would take...
  2. B

    Thorofare loop (almost) Cabin Creek, Hawk's Rest, Ishawooa Creek 8/11-19

    Hi - First, thanks for the planning help commenters. I ended up starting two weeks later than expected, but two weeks earlier than I usually go. The 85-mile route was up the South Fork of the Shoshone, Marsten Creek, Yellowstone River, Thorofare, Open Creek, Silvertip, Pass Creek to Ishawooa...
  3. scatman

    Pebble Creek, Yellowstone National Park - August 14, 2020

    I've been heading up to Yellowstone every year since I graduated (yeah right) from college back in 1987. At first, I did the touristy things and a couple of short day hikes. But about three years later, I began to plan and go on backpacking trips every year into the backcountry, usaully doing...
  4. Happyidiot

    4 Days In The Winds

    My daughter and I finally made it to the Winds after 8 months of planning. The plane flight into Denver was uneventful as was our ride to Elkhart Park Trail head. We arrived at the trail head around 10:00 after a late dinner in Pinedale. We slept in the car and we both woke up throughout the...
  5. Curt

    Visiting (Part of) the Lake District of Cloud Peak Wilderness

    Ever since @Scott Chandler made several posts about the Cloud Peak Wilderness a few years ago I've been looking at it for hiking trips. For a couple years I have been contemplating a 4 day loop that involves a 10 mile off-trail section across a ridge line above tree line. Last year, an old...
  6. Yvonne

    Day Hike to Cache Lake, Yellowstone NP, August 2019

    Cache Lake was initially not on my radar on my last trip to Yellowstone in August of 2019. But since I only have a whole list of hikes I could do and no specific day assigned to a particular hike, I randomly pick a trail depending on conditions. Cache lake is a small and picturesque lake at the...
  7. WasatchWill

    Family's First Visit to Yellowstone

    After my first visit to Yellowstone National Park two years ago as a leader for our local scout trip, I couldn't wait to bring my family back and show off some of the amazing geo-thermal features and waterfalls. Rather than push for it the next year, we opted to wait an additional year, making...
  8. Yvonne

    Garnet Hill Loop, Yellowstone, August 2019

    I'm really slow in working on my pictures due to school, but I finally found some time to write up another trip report from Yellowstone. Garnet Hill is a rarely used trail in the northeastern part of Yellowstone, close to the Tower Junction, and the turn off to Lamar Valley. This hike was on my...
  9. Yvonne

    Backpacking the Winds: From Elkhart TH to Titcomb Basin, July 2018

    Backpacking the Winds: From Elkhart TH to Titcomb Basin, July 2018 When my friend Lisa asked me if I wanted to join her to backpack to Titcomb Basin in the Wind River range, I couldn't say no. This was a trip I wanted to do for years. Despite barely being in shape and with all my lung and...
  10. Jackson

    A Fall Foray into the Teton Wilderness

    October 11-14, 2019. This may look familiar to you because @scatman already shared his awesome report from the trip. Here I am a few weeks later to tell just about the same story. We had watched the weather for weeks, hoping that we wouldn't get snowed out. I believe Hugh had actually been...
  11. scatman

    Whetstone Creek, Teton Wilderness - October 11-14, 2019

    Day 1 - Got up early on Friday, October 11th to drive up to the Pacific Creek Trailhead in the Teton Wilderness for a four-day backpacking trip up the Whetstone Creek Drainage. @Jackson had graciously decided to join me on this trip (a bout of temporary insanity I think) :) and we arrived at...
  12. P

    Heart Lake, Yellowstone

    Last winter, I sat in my chair and looked at maps and books and web pages and I made PLANS for hiking this summer. When the time came, I made reservations, and *I* was ready! I had reservations to hike around Shoshone Lake. I knew that Kevin, who had done a Bechler hike with me last year...
  13. OldBill

    A return to the Winds: Sept 12-28, 2019

    First, my apologies as this story pales in comparison to the epic journeys many have posted here. But, thought I'd share it as several on this board and at bpbasecamp helped with the planning. On my 20th year of visiting the area, I was doing it solo again. My nephew bailed a few weeks before...
  14. P

    Campsite beyond Lonestar Geyser in Yellowstone

    I like to do weekend backpack trips, and since I live near Yellowstone, that's where I do my weekend hikes. On the way to pick up a permit, I saw a reminder of why I should keep a clean camp. I make some reservations, but I also just get walk in permits. I have a list of places that I think...
  15. P

    Goose Lake weekend

    I spent the winter looking at information about places to backpack in Yellowstone. I’m not a particularly strong hiker, but I really enjoy going out for a weekend overnight. The guidebook said that the Goose Lake site was excellent, but to “get” it before 4 pm, you had to be handicapped (I’m...
  16. P

    June Lamar overnight

    I believe I haven't posted this. Sorry if it's a duplicate. I'm now in fall mode and can post. I had reservations to go from Hellroaring to Roosevelt, but the weather was not cooperating, so I waited a day or two and got a walk in permit to the first site on the Lamar River Trail. The...
  17. Dreamer

    Wind River Dreaming | Summer 2019 July 17 - July 29 | Green River Lakes - Elkhart Park

    Day 1: After waiting a bit for the snow cover to thin and firm and a bit more while my job put me on standby, I finally had a fishing buddy drop me off at Green River Lakes at about 4:00. I’d packed ten days of food and fuel as well as my ice axe and crampons. The anticipated route was Tourist -...
  18. Curt

    Lost Twin Lakes, Cloud Peak Wilderness, Wyoming

    It's been hard for me to get out this year. I used up all of my vacation time on other pursuits and I realized that the only way this was going to happen was over a long weekend like Labor Day or Thanksgiving weekends. Thanksgiving is always pretty iffy because of weather and family stuff so I...
  19. scatman

    Grebe Lake, Headwaters of Lava Creek and Observation Peak, Yellowstone National Park - September 13, 2019

    I completed a four day backpacking trip with a couple friends to Grebe Lake in Yellowstone National Park in mid-September, where we set up a base camp at campsite 4G4. From camp, we did day hikes to the headwaters of Lava Creek on the 14th and another hike to Observation Peak on the 15th. The...
  20. TeamJenkins17

    Teton Wilderness July 2019

    This trip was absolutely incredible, we started off at the Brooks Lake trailhead and finished at the Angles trailhead near Togwotee lodge. We did this roughly 35 miles over 4 days and saw some of the most incredible scenery we’ve ever seen. This is absolutely wild and just untouched country in...

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