Goose Lake weekend


Nov 23, 2015
I spent the winter looking at information about places to backpack in Yellowstone. I’m not a particularly strong hiker, but I really enjoy going out for a weekend overnight. The guidebook said that the Goose Lake site was excellent, but to “get” it before 4 pm, you had to be handicapped (I’m not) or on a bicycle. I’ve never bike camped before, but I do have a folding bike that I could put in the car and ride to a campsite, so I made a reservation and went to pick up my permit at Bridge Bay. They looked really surprised when I had reservations for there. They indicated that they had never given a permit out for that site, except people grabbing it at the last minute. Then looked at the paperwork, and it said bicycle, and that was supposed to be ok, so I got my permit.

The campsite is off the Fairy Falls/Freight Road. I chose to go to the trailhead near the Fountain Flats Drive, at least I think that’s what it’s called. I always find a parking place there. I got my folding bicycle out, and unfolded it, and then started digging around in the trunk to get out my pack. Having gathered all my stuff, I climbed aboard the bike, and off I went.


I have to admit that while it looks perfectly flat, it ddn’t take me long and I was huffing and puffing. It may have been that I was also yelling, “Hey bear!” And watching for bison. The bison are especially bad in this area, I find. The campsite is not quite two miles from the trailhead. I felt like a fool, riding a bike, wearing a backpack, and yelling about bears, but that was what I needed to do to get this site, so I did it. I felt really stupid when I saw an older couple, walking toward me. I stopped. They looked at me incredulously. I suggested that the woman take my picture, that she wouldn’t see anything more amazing in Yellowstone than me, riding a folding bike, wearing a backpack, and yelling, “Hey bear.” She stared at me for a minute, took my picture and ambled on. It was probably the highlight of my hiking career.



It didn’t take too long, and I got to the site. Two miles on a bicycle goes rather quickly.

The site was nice. There was a bear pole, as well as a bear box. Much of the site was within sight of the lake, and the lake was quite pretty. Across the lake, I could see tufts of steam from the Grand Prismatic thermal area.




I had gotten a used ZPacks Altaplex over the winter, and set it up at the far end of the campsite from the kitchen. Being inexperienced with it, it took me quite a while and when I got done, I decided it would be better at a different angle, so redid the whole thing. I had most of the day, so why not. After moving my tent, I couldn’t see the lake from within the tent, but there are worse situations.

I took a nap.


When I woke, there was a couple at the lake. He was fishing, and she was watching him fish. I went over and watched him fish, too. Watching someone fish is pretty boring, especially when they don’t *catch* anything.

They left after a bit, and I made my meal, ate, and rehung my food. As I finished, it began to sprinkle, so I headed to my tent. I was curious about how well it would handle the rain, but I stayed dry.

I took a few pictures of the view after the rain. It was beautiful and restful.



The morning light was quite nice, especially filtered through the evergreens.


It looks like Christmas tree lights.


I started peddling toward the car, in the fog. Again, I was yelling at bears, and watching for bison.


As I came to the Firehole River, the fog had mostly lifted. It was quite beautiful.


This little guy posed.


It had been a nice weekend. I can claim that I tried something I had never done before (bicycle camp), and that I would do it again.


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Thanks for the share!
Always fun when you have time for a nap on trail! :)
this is too funny with your folding bike.
I walked past the site a few times and always wanted to stay there. Maybe I bring my bike on one of these trips.
This August when I hiked the trail, I saw no bison in the area. Usually, there are tons of them. I guess they were all in Lamar Valley for the Bison rut.

I love the fog!!! I was lucky to experience it twice on my trip this year and was so excited.
This made me smile
It was probably the highlight of my hiking career.


I like the look of the steam reflected on the lake

thanks for the report
Thank you for the kind words. It was a fun weekend, and I hope to take my bicycle camping again.
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Thank you for the kind words. It was a fun weekend, and I hope to take my bicycle camping again.
So, it isn’t just when you are hiking with me when you yell hey Bear? I have thought you were calling a bear to come get me!

In all seriousness, I am getting settled in my new city and job. Still can’t believe I did the interview while in Yellowstone hiking! Went to Sequoia this morning on business and saw a bear. Every trip there so far = bear.

Where are we hiking next summer? I can’t wait to get back to my favorite park.

Take care. I will enjoy another laugh picturing you riding down the “trail” yelling hey bear!

I have some ideas for places to hike to next summer. I'll make reservations which will have to be cancelled due to weather or trail conditions and we'll go someplace and see rangers and have fun. It'll be great!

So, it isn’t just when you are hiking with me when you yell hey Bear? I have thought you were calling a bear to come get me!

In all seriousness, I am getting settled in my new city and job. Still can’t believe I did the interview while in Yellowstone hiking! Went to Sequoia this morning on business and saw a bear. Every trip there so far = bear.

Where are we hiking next summer? I can’t wait to get back to my favorite park.

Take care. I will enjoy another laugh picturing you riding down the “trail” yelling hey bear!

I have some ideas for places to hike to next summer. I'll make reservations which will have to be cancelled due to weather or trail conditions and we'll go someplace and see rangers and have fun. It'll be great!
As long as it is a different ranger, I am in. I don’t want to come visit you in Mammoth. I was giving you another five minutes on the wager board in my mind before you told her off...

I throughly enjoyed this years substitute hike, is there a bad hike in the park? The views from the top of Mt. Sheridan were awesome, not to even mention the view out my tent of the lake. Next time you can have the view spot!
OMG your thread about the couple taking your picture after you suggested it really gave me a laugh - so funny!
You really should have asked for that pic and posted it!
She looked so flustered... from the very beginning. I admit, I don’t expect to walk on a backcountry trail and see a bicycling backpacker. Maybe I should have had her take the picture with my phone. It may be better without the picture, though, so you can conjure up your own image. :)