wind rivers

  1. Cburton

    A week along the Continental Divide in Wind River Range

    This was my big adventure for 2017. A full week backpacking the Wind River Range, which I researched thoroughly on this site. The on-trail dates were September 9th-15th, 2017. I tried to get by without writing a trip report, but Nick won't give me advice on my upcoming Teton Crest Trail trip...
  2. J

    Southern Winds

    It has been suggested that I post some trip reports so people can get to know me better. Last August I did a loop route in the Southern Winds with my 20 year old son and one of his friends. My son and I have done multiple trips in the Winds but this is the first time we have explored South...
  3. AbinadiWitness

    Wind River Range: Chasing Dreams - 15-19 August 2016

    ***Another "I'm new here/catch-up post" from 2016 (posted here Oct. 2017): This was my first real foray into the stunning Wind River Range in Wyoming. The week before this trip I had packed out to Island Lake in a day from Elkhart Park but had to turn back the very next morning because my hiking...
  4. Lowro

    The Southern Winds

    This August trip back to the Winds was all I could hope for and nothing that I expected if that makes any sense. I started planning this trip in May of 2016 and this site with all of you were a huge resource for that and I thank you for all your knowledge and information. The plan was to spend 9...
  5. Rello

    Gannett Peak, WY - August 20, 2017.

  6. fiber

    Wind River Range, South - Sept 2-6, 2017

    I created this route based on one posted by LarryBoy. He was absolutely right, it is a great route and once you leave the Big Sandy Lake area, there are very few people. This was labor day weekend and Big Sandy TH was packed with +50 cars. We had to park half a mile from the TH in a field...
  7. westy

    Wind River 2

    A much anticipated loop from Elkhart to Elkhart. I've wanted to visit the Alpine/Brown Cliffs lakes for a long time and this was it. Weather started out boring for the first 4-5 days, but then got some clouds for more interesting light. I LOVE the forested rolling domes of the pole creek area ...
  8. westy

    Wind River

    One of my Wind River trips from the summer, Green River lakes to Green River Lakes loop. Weather was awesome, cloudy and rainy at times, lots of shifting dappled light. Creek crossings were all high, and slippery ! And lots of wild flowers in bloom in the meadows. I loved this NW corner of the...
  9. Jackson

    Lester Pass Loop

    10-12 August, 2016 I never know how to name these. Lester Pass was a prominent landmark that we walked over, so I guess I'll make it the namesake of this thread. I went to the Wind River Range with two friends, Gavin and Dan. As usual, the responsibility of planning the location and route fell...
  10. SwimsWithTrout

    40 years of Wandering the Wind's

    Sorry for the poor quality, but this was shot nearly entirely with film , dating back from 1972, from my first solo trips, to my kids with my first marriage, and then to my new wife and even harder core rock climbing days.
  11. Dave

    Green River Lakes Redux

    The long winter nights have my mind meandering back to warmer days, to wind rippling the surface of opalescent glacial waters. I can't tell this story better than @Nick already has, but enough time has now past that perhaps a new round of pictures won't seem too repetitive. Bringing a boat...
  12. Blake Merrell

    Wind River Trip - Day 5 - Island Lake

    After a nice romp though Indian creek, we eventually made it back to Island Lake. Popular? yup. Most beautiful lake in the Winds? I have no idea, but it sure was pretty! Camp for the night felt like I was in a campground. It was a weird feeling, seeing that we were 12 miles away from the TH...
  13. steve

    Wind Rivers Traverse - Backpacking 90 miles in the Wind Rivers

    In early Sept, 2015, 4 of us headed into the Wind Rivers for the first time. It was an incredible trip. We started at Green River Lakes, and traversed the range, ending in Big Sandy at the end of the trip. We calculated our route took us about 90 miles.
  14. Blake Merrell

    Titcomb Basin, Fremont Peak, Indian Basin, Knifepoint Glacier, & Island Lake

    For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies; For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and vale, and tree and flower, sun and moon, and stars of light; For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and...
  15. trasmuson3

    Wind Rivers - Shadow Lake

    We set out to the Winds last Wednesday after work to the Big Sandy Trailhead. This is a trip that I have been looking forward to all year. It has been about 6 six years since I had been up there and I just could not wait. It was all I was able to think about leading up to it. My work probably...
  16. Aldaron

    Winds - Green River Lakes to Elkhart Park

    For our summer vacation in 2015 we decided to spend a week in August backpacking the Wind River Range in Wyoming. I have done several backpacking trips in the Winds, but I had never started from Green River Lakes (GRL)...and Tmy wife had never been to Titcomb Basin. So that was the basic plan...
  17. Eugene

    Wind Rivers from Elkhart Park to Titcomb Basin

    I have been wanting to do a trip to the Wind River region for several years and finally made it up there the week of Aug 10. Three of us old timers from the Houston Texas area decided to brave the altitude (10,000 feet is high when one lives at 80 ft or less) and do a 3 1/2 day trip from Elhart...
  18. Kullaberg63

    Wind River High Route

    I'm sure many of you have seen AdventureAlan's site ( ) profiling a rugged route from Green River Lakes to Big Sandy. Or maybe some of our members have done the trip? Maybe Alan is a poster here? Either way, we had hardly any experience with the Winds before...
  19. Nico

    Windy Lake - Wind Rivers

    Here's a video from the trip: I went out to Windy Lake over 4th of July weekend and the trip had left a bittersweet taste in my mouth...mostly bitter though...and stinging with mosquito bites. We drove up Christina Lake Road, which turns out to be quite a rough one - glad we had the Jeep. We...
  20. Artemus

    Sweetwater Gap Walkabout - Wind Rivers

    Greetings summer wanderers. A quick trip report about this weekend's (July 10, 2015) walkabout in the Wind River range with Underscore and his doggie Maya. We went in to examine some climbing cliffs I had heard about above the Sweetwater Gap and to generally enjoy the range. We were lured, as...

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