
  1. uintahiker

    Camp Rucker, a ghost town without the crowds

    Another trip report crossposted from my blog. This was an outstanding ghost town that didn't seem to see too many visitors. It's in a beautiful canyon in a somewhat remote area in SE Arizona. I'm not sure when I first heard about Camp Rucker. It was sometime within the past year, maybe in...
  2. uintahiker

    Chiricahua National Monument

    Crossposted from my blog. In February over Presidents Day we went on a small camping trip out to the area of Chiricahua National Monument. We thought spending a few days exploring the area would be fun. We found a great little campsite up Pinery Canyon, a few miles south of the monument. Once...
  3. Kristen M. Caldon Photo

    Rough Terrain in Marble Canyon

    Photo: House Rock Rapid and Rider Canyon South Canyon to Soap Canyon ~ Grand Canyon Hiking with Botanists Glenn Rink and Steve Till In my efforts to complete a Grand Canyon Traverse I have never stumbled on such rough, unstable, scary terrain for so long a distance. Hiking this section in...
  4. ogdendude

    Shaman's-not weekend

    So I tried to go to Shaman's Panel last weekend. The road to June Tanks was like a carpet. Incredibly well maintained. I did see a lot of semis rolling down it, so whatever mine company is doing a pretty good job of maintaining Road 109. So then after the turn at June tanks it was worse than I...
  5. uintahiker

    Three Short Hikes at Gila Cliff Dwellings

    Crossposted from my blog. We took a family vacation to Southwest New Mexico around Labor Day. Gila Cliff Dwellings was one of our destinations. We got there too late to see the dwellings the first day, but we did have a nice little hike to the Lightfeather Hot Springs. The springs are...
  6. uintahiker

    Aravaipa Canyon- May 2013

    Another trip crossposted from my blog I'm finally getting around to updating a trip to Aravaipa Canyon we had in May. Late May is a perfect time to visit Aravaipa. Summer hasn't officially kicked off, so lots of families still have kids in school, but the weather is perfect. I reserved a few...
  7. Magic_Hour

    When the Rains Came... The North Rim of the Grand Canyon

    When the Rains Came... The North Rim of the Grand Canyon Here is a link to the original post on my BLOG... After my short overnighter to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon I decided that perhaps a trip to the North Rim was in order. I already had a trip planned to hike into the Weminuche...
  8. Magic_Hour

    South Rim Storms at the Grand Canyon

    Read the original TR on my blog here... A couple of weeks ago I made a quick overnight trip to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon while visiting some family in Flagstaff. I had not been to the Grand Canyon in probably twenty years so I figured why not give it a shot and see what I can find...
  9. uintahiker

    Sunnyside- another stop on the Ghost Town Trail

    Another post crossposted from my blog at I read a book about hiking the Huachuca Mountains that mentioned the Eureka Mine and that it had lots of malachite and azurite laying around, so I added it to my list of things to do in Sierra Vista. A short...
  10. uintahiker

    Fairbank Ghost Town on the Ghost Town Trail

    Another cross-posted TR from my blog. Another one of the Cochise County ghost towns is Fairbank. There's a small bookshop maintained on site, but everything else is vacant. The town was a pretty big shipping point for the area, but since it was on an old Spanish Land Grant, the owners came...
  11. Laura

    Photography Road Trip-The How To Do Everything Wrong Version

    So I take off for my long anticipated photography trip to Arizona and Utah. I was going to shoot the meteor shower, and kept adding stops along the way. By the time the trip got here I had planned to visit 5 locations in 8 days-first mistake! I had also planned to camp at the North Rim of the...
  12. uintahiker

    The bloodiest spot in Arizona

    Originally posted on my blog at Brunckow Cabin is known as the bloodiest spot in Arizona. Roughly 2 dozen murders and killings have happened at or near the cabin, so since we're living in the area I had to check it out. It's located east of the San...
  13. uintahiker

    Southern Arizona- Garden Canyon Pictographs

    Posted from my blog at: It's been a while since I've posted any TRs. I'll attempt to fix that here in the near future if I can only get @Nick to have a new competition! But if not, I'll still try to get some new stuff posted. We moved to Arizona right...
  14. Kristen M. Caldon Photo

    3 strikes on Plateau Point

    Last week I had my yearly cross canyon hike, and as I baked in the sun, sweated out the humidity, moving slowly along the trails, soaking all the sights in. I watched the storms move in and out every afternoon, building each day, winds would pick up and swirling clouds would rush in, pelting...
  15. T-Mac

    Buckskin Gulch

    It has taken me a while to put this trip report together. Back on May 25th, I took my boys along with my brother-in-law and my nephew to Buckskin Gulch. My brother-in-law has just moved out here from North Carolina and I figured I would show him some of Utah. We headed down on the 24th and...
  16. Howells Outdoors

    Buckskin Gulch - Independence Day Weekend

    This is my favorite photo from my trip I loved this canyon. Growing up in Kanab left me always knowing about and always wanting to go through Buckskin Gulch and I finally did! The original plan for the trip was planned 3 months ago with my brother and brother-in-laws...within the last week...
  17. HomerJ

    Buckskin Gulch - Middle Trail to the Paria

    This is Part 2. Part 1 can be found here. Day 3 (2nd day in the Buckskin): We got up and ate breakfast and then started the hike back down to the Buckskin. I was already dreading the slog back up that miserable sandy hill to camp... But soon forgot about that as we dropped back into the gulch...
  18. HomerJ

    Buckskin Gulch - Wire Pass to Middle Trail

    This is Part 1. Part 2 is here In 2008 Antlerking invited me on my first trip down to the Paria with him and his friend Justin. During that trip I hiked Wire Pass. When I rounded a corner and the whole canyon was glowing it took my breath away and I knew I had to come back! Then again, in...
  19. Bob

    Kanab Creek - Grand Canyon - Cranberry - Fishtail Mesa Loop

    Needed a short hike for the spring. Settled on a rerun what we hiked 14 years ago but with a twist. Previously we hiked from Bill Hall TH to Deer Creek Falls to Kanab Creek and out Snake Gulch. This time we were going to try the Cranberry Route and over Fishtail Mesa pass..... Here is a video...
  20. Christian

    1,764 Miles Across Utah and Arizona

    So last week was looking to be really slow at work, with little to do. So I asked for 3 days off and took off on Friday after work, with the plan to arrive home 5 days later on Wednesday. At about 7PM I left Salt Lake with the goal of reaching Kanab. That drive seemed to go by fairly quick and...

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