
  1. IntrepidXJ

    Coyote Buttes North Tour

    Monday, December 29, 2014 On Monday morning we got an early start and drove back to the Wire Pass trailhead so we could spend the day in Coyote Buttes North and visit the Wave. While I have been here plenty of times over the past couple of years and had no intentions of returning this year...
  2. IntrepidXJ

    Wire Pass to Buckskin Gulch

    Sunday, December 28, 2014 On Sunday morning we drove over to the Wire Pass trailhead from our hotel in Page and arrived shortly after the sunrise. Our plan for today was to hike through Wire Pass and then down Buckskin Gulch for a few miles. Unfortunately, we would not be unable to go down...
  3. Ben

    Grand Canyon, rim to rim to rim, october 2013

    If you haven't seen the report of my other Grand Canyon trip, in 2011 i went to the North Rim with my family, but just long enough to see that the canyon was there. Two years later i managed to make it down to backpack with my brother. If you only see the Grand Canyon from the rim, you haven't...
  4. Shaverkid

    2013 Kanab Creek Backpack

    Did a week long backpack with friends down Kanab Creek to the Colorado. Exited the Canyon through Deer Creek and up The Bill Hall Trail. No pics from the section along the River as it was arduous and required full attention at all times with razor sharp rock hopping for 10 miles. ( 2 days ) As...
  5. Ben

    Grand Canyon, Tonto trail, Grandview Point to Hermits Rest. 8 days, october

    Here you go @Joey First of all the disclaimer. I had a strange experience this trip, where i took hundreds of photos, and ended up liking the majority of them quite a bit. I've tried to pare down the selection. But i feel that all of these are relevant to the story of this trip. We covered a...
  6. Ben

    Buckskin Gulch day hike

    In October, on our way down to the Grand Canyon. We didn't get quite the days that we wanted for our hike in the Grand, our first night was monday in stead of saturday, but we made the best of it, and stopped along the way down. It helped to break up the drive some any way. We got to the trail...
  7. Scott Chandler

    Cathedral Wash

    11/10/2014 I've spent most of my life living near the Grand Canyon but have never adventured in it. As a child the place terrified me and I couldn't get near the edge without a death grip on my parents or a fence. "I don't want to go in the giant hole! I'll never get out!" Years later, my...
  8. Eugene

    Backpacking the Superstitions - April 2013

    Never posted this but thought I would add it. Four of us from the Houston Texas area decided to do a hike in the Superstition Mountains east of Phoenix in late Apr 2013. We drove to the Rogers Trough Trailhead and did a loop using the Rogers Trail, Frog Tanks Trail and The Reavis Valley trail...
  9. uintahiker

    The Gila Box

    Another post from my blog. The Gila Box seems like it would be a great little float trip. At the end of September we had a "Birthday Weekend" -basically the weekend closest to the family member's birthday is set aside for an adventure. Our oldest wanted to go camping, fishing, and soak in a...
  10. uintahiker

    Chiricahua from the top down

    One of the longer hikes I've done recently. Originally posted on my blog. Over Labor Day we went to the Chiricahuas to visit Chiricahua National Monument once more. Our oldest kept asking to go, so when we had the long weekend it made for a great destination about 2 hours from Sierra Vista. We...
  11. hatchcanyon

    1994: Grand Falls

    Recently I found an old slide out of 1994. We stayed in Flagstaff and visited the Little Colorado River Grand Falls. Luckily it was after a period with some rainy thunderstorms. Sorry - the scan is pretty grainy.
  12. uintahiker

    Dragoon Springs, AZ

    It's been a while since I've posted. Here's a TR from a nearby historic site I visited earlier this month. As usual, posted on my blog as well. On Labor Day Weekend we headed east to the Chiricahua Mountains for a getaway. On the way we had one important stop to make at Dragoon Springs. I...
  13. Laura

    Drop of a hat Grand Canyon road trip

    I decided to post a trip report after all, even though the trip was brief, because who hasn't wanted to hit the road at the drop of a hat? I had resigned myself to missing the Southwest monsoon season because it just wasn't in the budget. I'd already been to Utah 3 times this year and have a...
  14. uintahiker

    Sacred Mountain

    Another post from my blog. We woke up on the Saturday before Memorial Day knowing that we were running out of time on our trip. We ate breakfast, then loaded up to hike Sacred Mountain, an off-the-radar hike to some ruins. We had learned a little bit about Sacred Mountain when we visited...
  15. uintahiker

    V Bar V Petroglyphs

    As usual, you saw it first on my blog. The Solar Calendar at the V Bar V The V-Bar-V Heritage Site is only open a few days a week, centered around weekends. So even though we were camped nearby and drove by the V Bar V several times, we had to delay our visit until it opened on Friday. We...
  16. uintahiker

    Tonto Natural Bridge, AZ

    As usual, crossposted from my blog. Tonto Natural Bridge is a pretty amazing place. It was discovered by David Gowan, a prospector, who tangled with some Indians in a bad way and needed a hideout. As he was running, he stumbled into the canyon with the natural bridge, then hid out in the...
  17. uintahiker

    Wupatki National Monument

    I'm slowly trying to catch up with posts from my recent trip. As usual, crossposted from my blog. After we left the Grand Canyon, we drove south on Highway 89 toward Flagstaff. Several miles north of town, we turned east into Wupatki National Monument. Wupatki was created to preserve numerous...
  18. uintahiker

    Lava River Cave, AZ

    Another post that first appeared on my blog We made a stop at the Lava River Cave. We knew there would be campsites in the area, and the cave sounded fun to explore, so it made a great stop. There are actually two Lava River Caves, this one in Arizona, and one in Oregon. They're over a...
  19. Eugene

    Grand Canyon Rim to Rim - Backpacking

    Although this isn't really backcountry, I thought it might be of interest to some. I had done the rim to rim before but wanted to do it with my son so I managed to get the permits for: Day 1: down the South Kaibab to the river and Bright Angel (just south of Phantom Ranch) for night 1. Day 2...
  20. uintahiker

    Huachuca Mountains: Carr Peak

    Another Southern Arizona Trip Report originally found on my blog. I've been wanting to climb a peak in the Huachucas for a while. Miller Peak was my desired destination, as it is the highest peak in the Huachuca Mountains, but my babysitter fell through, so I changed to Carr Peak so I could...

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