
  1. Jon Carbaugh

    Yellowstone, Wildlife and Slough Creek May 23 to 26th

    My wife and I have made it an annual tradition to take an early trip to Yellowstone in May. This year we were planning to spend 2 or 3 nights up Slough Creek with @Joey if we could. However, with the weather forecast calling for a winter storm for the northern part of the park from the...
  2. TractorDoc

    September Day Hike in Yellowstone -- Wrangler Lake and Beyond.

    I was fortunate to spend a week in Yellowstone National Park this past September 15-22, 2018. This year's trip was going to be a bit of a wild card due to the fact that I was bringing three family members with me, none of which had previously crossed the Mississippi much less been to...
  3. scatman

    Ice Lake, Yellowstone National Park - September 14, 2018

    This report covers a four day backpacking trip into Ice Lake in Yellowstone National Park, starting on September 14th and running through the 17th. This trip was with three of my old backpacking buddies who are getting a bit long in the tooth and don't get out much anymore. One in particular...
  4. scatman

    Electric Peak and Sportsman Lake, Yellowstone National Park - August 9, 2018

    @Artemus and his wife Becky graciously invited my family to join them on their backpacking trip across the Gallatin Range in the northwest quadrant of Yellowstone National Park. The trip would include summiting Electric Peak and staying at Sportsman Lake. While my wife was unable to join in, my...
  5. P

    Yellowstone - Lonestar into the Upper Bechler and back

    A month or so ago, I asked if anyone wanted to join me for a leisurely trip into the Bechler. It didn't take long before I got a response from Eric and Kevin, and after a few questions, things were set. On the appointed morning we met at the Grant backcountry office and were soon on our way to...
  6. scatman

    Plateau Lake and Buffalo Meadows, Yellowstone National Park 7/27 - 7/30

    I had originally intended to hike to Plateau Lake back in the spring of 2015 as part of my off-trail loop around the upper Firehole River Drainage. I had reserved the campsite at Summit Lake for two nights and had hoped to day hike from there to Plateau Lake, which was approximately 13 miles...
  7. Jon Carbaugh

    Yellowstone, Lamar River - August 2015

    On August 10th 2015 my wife Rose and I embarked on our first big, (big to us) rookie backpacking trip. We started at the Lamar River /Soda Butte trailhead. When we arrived at the trailhead the Wolfwatchers were out in full force so we had to wait over an hour until someone left to get a parking...
  8. Dave

    Yellowstone and Teton, July 2015

    Two iconic parks in one whirlwind weekend. The accommodations were relatively plush. Two nights in Island Park and a third on the shores of Jackson Lake at the Signal Mountain Lodge. Hikes were, with one exception, short and languid. That one exception: I nearly caused myself a cardiac crisis...
  9. blueeyes

    Dunanda Falls October 2015

    Moving to Idaho marked some big changes for our family. A rather big one was Spencer graduating from high school. He wasn’t very fond of where we moved to and has been going about doing the adult thing living away from home. As mom this makes me sad and happy, sad only because it makes it hard...
  10. Keith

    Lamar River, Mist Creek, Pelican Valley, Hot Springs Basin, Rainbow Springs and Joseph Coat Springs

    @Joey and I completed a 7 day backpacking trip Sept 27th to Oct 3rd in Yellowstone. We started at the Lamar River trailhead, followed the Lamar River and Mist Creek, went over Mist Pass, through Pelican Valley to Wapiti Lake, around Hot Springs Basin and Rainbow Springs, down Broad Creek...
  11. Keith

    Trip to Turbid with Two Twists (07/26/15)

    I was recently in Yellowstone with my wife, son and his friend. We visited various historic sites in the woods, Turbid Lake, Heart Lake and Mount Sheridan. Day 2: We decided to spend day 2 relaxing on a short 8 mile day hike to Turbid Lake while we acclimated to the altitude. On the way we...
  12. scatman

    Beach and Dryad Lakes - Yellowstone National Park - 8/4/15

    Our third day hike on our Yellowstone trip consisted of a hike along the old Plateau / Arnica Creek Trail to Beach Lake, then following a one way marked route to Dryad Lake before exiting at the Natural Bridge Trailhead. Overview map of hike We hit the old trail about 7:30 in the morning with...
  13. scatman

    Sentinel Meadows / Queen's Laundry - Yellowstone National Park - 8/3/15

    Our second day hike while in Yellowstone was a short loop of 5.4 miles to Queen's Laundry located in Sentinel Meadows which reside in Lower Geyser Basin. It's my understanding that Queen's Laundry was originally supposed to be location for a bathhouse in the early days of the Park. The...
  14. scatman

    Delusion Lake - Yellowstone National Park - 8/2/15

    After picking up my son at Island Park, my family along with @McGimpkins headed into Yellowstone for four nights at the Grant Village campground with the intention of doing three day hikes: the first, joined by @langutah , to Delusion Lake, the second, to Sentinel Meadows and Queen's Laundry...
  15. Keith

    Heart Lake and Mount Sheridan July 27 to July 29

    I was recently in Yellowstone with my wife, son and his friend. We visited various historic sites in the woods, Turbid Lake, Heart Lake and Mount Sheridan. Day 3: It’s July in Yellowstone so we have to worry about hypothermia! It was time to leave the crowds behind and get into the woods...
  16. Keith

    Electric Peak July 30-Aug 1

    I was recently in Yellowstone with my wife, son and his friend. We visited various historic sites in the woods, Turbid Lake, Heart Lake and Mount Sheridan and Electric Peak. Day 6: Finally on July 30 we were headed to Electric Peak! We got our permits at the Canyon VC and the ranger there...
  17. scatman

    The Old Faithful Loop - The Exploration of the Shoshone Creek and Firehole River Drainages

    Trip Overview This was a nine day, vast majority off-trail, 64 mile loop beginning and ending at the Mallard Lake Trailhead at Old Faithful starting on June the 5th with @Joey . Our plan was to explore lakes and river drainages that are off the official trail system in Yellowstone along with...
  18. Joey

    Yellowstone's Bighorn Pass, Shelf Lake, Sportsman Lake, and Electric Pass Loop.

    I find myself sitting here stuck in Salt Lake City for the weekend. I was hoping to find temporary work around town, but nothing was available. I thought about a quick backpack into the mountains, but I'm not sure I want to sleep in the rain. So I started drinking beer, and looking through...
  19. Joey

    Yellowstone's Pitchstone Plateau, Ferris Fork, Bechler Canyon Loop

    This is a full length trip video, featuring @Keith , @scatman , Scatman Jr, and a few others. It's an 8 day, 71 mile backpacking loop in the southwest corner of Yellowstone National Park. I'm not going to write a trip report for it, since Hugh has a great one here...
  20. Joey

    Yellowstone's Lamar River, Hoodoo Basin, and Eastern Boundary Loop

    This is a 5 day backpacking loop I did in Yellowstone National Park. I did this back in July, 2012, but its a pretty neat loop, possibly one of the best trips I've done in the park, so I thought I would share. Here is the trip route: . I have a trip video for...