glen canyon

  1. J

    Southern Waterpocket Fold

    At the end of April, we had a successful trip to the Southern Waterpocket Fold in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. This is a remote and seldom visited area just north of Lake Powell and east of the Escalante River. Helpful trip planning suggestions came from this site and we thank those...
  2. Nick

    Forbidding & Mountain Sheep

    Are you guys sick of my Glen Canyon reports yet? At the beginning of this year, I put our boat up for sale. I love the trips we do out of it, but I hate how having it compels me to go on boat trips more often than I might want to otherwise. And to further the frustration, the dream in my head of...
  3. Nick

    Wilson & Deep

    Another month, another trip to Glen Canyon. I've been enjoying these more than ever this year. Finally getting into the groove of things when it comes to walking the many canyons I want to see. We've also been doing great at getting away from the asshattery that comes standard with the summer...
  4. Nick

    Desha & Great Bend

    Last year we did a Glen Canyon trip over my birthday in early July. We went pretty far out but we had no shortage of people nearby, some of whom left me feeling like I could never go back in the peak season and be totally fine with that. But there's something about this place that I can't keep...
  5. Nick

    Dark to Cataract to Hite

    Sleeping bag - Check Water filter - Check Trekking poles - Check Paddle - Check Wait. What? For several years I've watched as many of you have wowed us with your packrafting adventures. I pretty much left it on my "I'd love to, but..." list. But who would I go with? Most of my friends don't...
  6. Nick

    Escalante On The Rocks

    First off, if you haven't already checked out @gnwatts excellent trip report from this same trip, go do it right here. There's not many trips that combine ease, serenity and scenery quite like a well-timed spring or fall trip into Glen Canyon. The timing is the trick though. Hit it right and...
  7. Nick

    Around Utah

    So there I was, cruising south on Highway 6 in the LED spaceship, about 30 miles south of Wellington. After my last solo trip I decided to get back on the podcast bandwagon and I was totally entertained by season 1 of Serial. But a nagging thought kept popping to the foreground. I do not want to...
  8. mattvogt7

    Lower Escalante Packraft Loop

    Original trip report can be found at: I saw a billboard while traveling to places seldom visited. It foretold the promise of an elevation in station from the comfortable perch of motorized water craft. I took this sign at...
  9. Scott Chandler

    First Time to the Escalante Canyons, Part 2

    Continued from: First Time to the Escalante Canyons, Part 1 3/11/16 After a couple gorgeous days filled with hiking to some of the more "convenient" destinations of the Escalante Canyons area, Friday dawned slightly overcast with a forecast potentially for worse and a plan to take my brother...
  10. Nick

    Winter in the Glen

    Almost a month now since I've been out. Premature spring fever has me dreaming of places other than my home, so what better time to catch up on trip reports. @lostlandscapes already posted an excellent report from this, but I'd feel like a jerk giving all the lurkers the stink eye if I didn't...
  11. lostlandscapes

    Smith Fork & Lake Powell, January 22-24

    Having not purchased a ski pass for the first time in a few seasons, lately I've been sufferin' the winter itch. That restless, awful leg twitch that keeps you up at night and renders your imagination all fidgety and discontented during the day. I do my best dreaming in winter. Big dreams. Vivid...
  12. Nick

    Ringing in 2016 at Alstrom Point

    Camping over New Year's Eve is one of my favorite things. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen as much as I'd like. With such an active winter, it seemed like maybe this year would be missed as well, but we ended up with a nice weather window over the end of the year that made for some fine camping...
  13. mattvogt7

    Lower Cataract Canyon Loop

    Lower Cataract Canyon Loop November 20, 2015 Finding a non-technical west side entrance to lower (far south of Spanish Bottom) Cataract Canyon can be a challenge. This trip had been proposed a year earlier but it was shelved for other plans. The time seemed right this past October to...
  14. Nick

    Autumn Ambling

    Backpacking. Feels. Good. It's been about a year now since I let some crazy doctor chop my knee up and put a bunch of metal and plastic in where bone and cartilage once were. At this point I have to say it was a catastrophic failure. But I've mostly gotten to know what I can do with my new...
  15. Nick

    Return to Fiftymile

    October in Glen Canyon. No more monsoons, no more people, and if you're lucky like we were, it's still plenty warm. High 80's with water temps in the mid 70's. Doesn't get much better than that. Our goal for this trip was to get into the canyons of the Escalante. Davis Gulch, Fiftymile, Clear...
  16. slc_dan

    Waterpocket Walking June 2015

    Growing up, there was a kid in the neighborhood. Friend isn’t the right word, but someone I knew. This kid Brody was always pushing boundaries and going places I didn’t dare. He was around a few times when a group of us were playing night games, or catching pollywogs at the pond. Every time...
  17. Nick

    Labor Day in The Glen

    I really wasn't going to post a trip report for this one. Sometimes I feel a little guilty posting my motorboat-based adventures on BCP, especially when the hiking is light and it involves a houseboat like this time around. But I figure more trip reports are always good. And what better time of...
  18. Udink

    Lake Powell - Stanton Creek

    I bought a new camp trailer in May and finally this past weekend got a chance to use it. The old toy hauler was great for when we had ATVs, but the new trailer (which is actually older than the previous one) has more built-in storage and has enough permanent bunks that we no longer have to fold...
  19. o2bav8

    Southern Utah Trip

    In a desperate attempt to escape the searing of Phoenix, AZ I planned a 9 day trip to southern Utah. Cooler than usual temps lead me to Lone Rock campground where I got to test out my Aquaglide inflatable kayak. Found some really choppy water at first but the kayak proved to be quite stable...
  20. ram

    Canyons of My Dreams 3/19-20/08

    Again an old story now integrated with pictures. Here is the the tale that led to this story. Might be good to read it first....or not....or not at all...Canyon of my Fears Canyons of My Dreams by Ram I am an adherent to the theory...

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