
  1. Ugly

    Alta to Mineral Flat and flower power

    Last week I had a friend in town from Philly. I asked what he was doing Saturday and he said taking an early morning run. I told him jogging through Sandy ain't bad, it sure is not South Philly, but that I had something better. By 630am we had his rental car parked up at Alta. The whole area...
  2. Ugly

    Timpanogos in July

    I know that all of my reports have been local, as I have been stuck close to home with work and chasing kids around on soccer fields. I love the stuff coming from elsewhere, and it should not be too many years before I am back in some of those places again. For now, I am sticking to my backyard...
  3. Jackson

    Red Pine Lake

    First trip report. Here goes. My wife and I decided to go on a quick overnighter this weekend. It was her first time backpacking, and we had time constraints due to work, etc., so we decided to keep it local and go up Little Cottonwood Canyon to Red Pine Lake. I was a bit hesitant about the...
  4. WasatchWill

    Provo Peak (via Slate & Slide Canyon)

    Sometime last year a colleague and former supervisor of mine, Steve, and I came up with an idea to do a little backpacking trip above nearby Y Mountain and go for Provo Peak. He and another friend, Larry, regularly hike the Y (a large concrete block "Y" representing Brigham Young University...
  5. regehr

    Smuggler's Gap Loop

    There's a great trail connecting Smuggler's Gap -- the 7800' notch in the south ridge of City Creek Canyon that is located a little ways to the east of Little Black Mountain -- with the bottom of City Creek Canyon. Although it doesn't get a ton of use most days, probably because it connects two...
  6. scatman

    Millcreek Ridge - July 3, 2015

    On Friday, July the 3rd, my hiking partner Matt and I attempted a 16.3 mile hike beginning at the end of Millcreek Canyon, hiking up to Murdock Peak then heading west along the Millcreek Ridge to Grandeur Peak. We met at the small park at the end of Wasatch Boulevard near Parley's Canyon at...
  7. Mr. Me

    Deer Creek to Dry Creek Trail #43

    After having drank through 7 water bottles, I decided to call it quits, and returned home, making this my first failed adventure. This is my trip report. Me and my mom biked from our home up to the Granite Flats Campground, and then we split up, and I continued up the Deer Creek to Dry Creek...
  8. WasatchWill

    Daddy-Daughter: Grove Creek - Battle Creek Loop

    I was hoping to take each of my older girls on daddy-daughter trips in the Uintas, expecting most snow to be melted out early this year. That didn't happen. I ended up taking my youngest daughter up to nearby Silver Lake the week prior. My oldest daughter, Willow, didn't want to drive that...
  9. WasatchWill

    Daddy-Daughter to Silver Lake

    At the beginning of the year, I penciled in a number of backpacking, hiking, and camping trips for 2015. For June, that included daddy-daughter trips with each of my girls and a father-sons outing. June finally arrived and with the first week, I took my four-year-old daughter, Raylee, up to...
  10. JohnP

    Twin Peaks via Broads Fork

    After scoping out Twin Peaks during a Broads Fork afternoon hike a few weeks back, I came back on Sunday morning to attempt it. And while my route finding was far from perfect (or efficient), I made it to the top and was rewarded with a summit all to myself and beautiful views from all angles...
  11. Ugly

    Lakeview Mountain

    Perhaps since you can drive to the top, and even at the top be surrounded by radio transmitters, it may not truly be backcountry. However, when discussing possibilities for a quick weekend overnight hike where I had needed to be back early enough to help my parents move, the mountain behind my...
  12. WasatchWill

    BACKPACKING: Little Rock - Rock Canyon

    I've had a goal to get at least one bag night per month. May was going to be tricky because my wife, Jessica, was expecting. I had planned a short local trip at the beginning of the month that fell through because we thought she was going into labor the night that trip was to take place. I...
  13. Blake Merrell

    Slate Canyon Loop: A local Backpacking Adventure!

    I absolutely love getting outside for little micro adventures! After a few changes in plans, Luke, Adam and I ended up backpacking up Slate Canyon to camp, and coming down Slide Canyon. Our original plan for this weekend was to Backpack Nebo, but the weather was not playing nice. After some...
  14. scatman

    Mount Aire

    My kids and I managed a hike up Mount Aire today. Since the gate to the upper portion of Millcreek Canyon is still closed, we decided to start at the Bowman Fork Trail Head and hike along the Pipeline Trail to the Mount Aire Trail Head. When we arrived at the trail head it was drizzling a...
  15. Ugly

    A Morning Jaunt up Cherry Canyon

    I should have been up at a place called Strawberry, but the threat of rain had been enough that high altitude, spring camping was not alluring to the family or in-laws. Instead, I guess I kept up the fruit theme by hiking the Cherry Canyon trail that climbs up out of the Salt Lake valley. The...
  16. Mike K

    Red Baldy Spring Summit

    I'd been itching to get out and do a spring summit. Having had a busy April and seeing the snow melting quickly motivated me to get out. Always willing buddies Lane, Dave, and Bryce were game to tackle one of our long time Utah Wasatch favorites - Red Baldy! (Pictures courtesy of Lane and me)...
  17. steve

    Mountain Biking Canyons Resort

    Back in September we went to the Canyons Bike Park to ride for the day. Super fun time, and a great park. Unfortunately I sprained my foot 30 min into it, so we were taking it easy.
  18. scatman

    Heugh's Canyon

    After work yesterday, I hiked up Heugh's Canyon which is the first canyon to the south of Mount Olympus. I started the hike about 6:15 and went until 7:30 where I turned around so that I could make it back to the trailhead before dark. The trail up the canyon is easy to follow, even on the...
  19. JohnP

    Mt Olympus - a Noob's First Post

    As I recent transplant to SLC, I've found this site to be tremendously helpful and I'm at a point now where ..... well, I want to evolve beyond "post parasite" to a more balanced "post parasite-contributor". This is my first post so feel free to provide any feedback / suggestions / best...
  20. scatman

    Thayne Peak - March 29, 2015

    Thayne Peak is located up Millcreek Canyon and one that I had never been up before, so yesterday I drug my kids along to see if we could make it to the top. The trailhead is located about 3.4 miles up Millcreek on the south side of the road and is the beginning of the Desolation Trail. We...

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