Guess the spot

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I know it's not right, but this looks exactly like a random creek I remember up by Beaver Mines lake in southern Alberta. Don't have any idea what its name is though
This is in the states : ) and a ways south of Alberta.
I don't have a guess, but does that bridge get removed in high water? It looks like that creek could easily swell to double the size of the bridge...
I don't have a guess, but does that bridge get removed in high water? It looks like that creek could easily swell to double the size of the bridge...

Yes, they remove it every winter.
Alright, I'm going to take a shot in the dark. The thick vegetation makes me think NW, so I'll guess Olympic National Park. Hoh River.
Alright, I'm going to take a shot in the dark. The thick vegetation makes me think NW, so I'll guess Olympic National Park. Hoh River.

The Hoh River is a lot bigger and a lot bluer from it's glacial source. This is a ways south of the Hoh.
I pop in here after being gone way too long, and immediately see 2 that I recognized instantly! (Photographers PT, Middle Cramers Lake)

But of course I got beat to the punch. Too slow.

Yeah, I was guessing west-side of Olympic too for this newest one, but I knew it wasn't the Hoh (which I have waded). I was going to geuss something smaller like the Calawah, but of course that's north (and I don't think they'd put a bridge on that trail anyway).

So let's see, they won't have a bridge up the Queets, do they? Besides, I'd think the Queets is also larger than that. That is a puzzler. I don't know south of Hoh at all. :-/
[Oops, I had multiple tabs open, and had posted this in the wrong thread.]

Unfortunately, finding my photos of "more obscure places" is going to take awhile. So we'll go with an easy one.

Name some geological features that will identify the locale of the ridge my wife is on. E.g., the lakes in front of & behind her. Etc.
Lakes? I see no lakes...

The geology looks hot and active so, knowing this group, I will have to guess Yellowstone.
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