Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Yes, Charlie Steen found his big strike there, named it the Mi Vida and became famous as the Uranium King.

@Ben You’re up!
Looks like the headwaters of 2 rivers, the Itkillik and the North Fork Koyukuk in the central Brooks Range. Nice choice, Ben.
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Overdue first hint.

The name (apparently) comes from a local tribe's sign language--a serpentine movement of the hand with the index finger extended.
LOL I would say go read page 50 of Members of BCP, but I don't want to be responsible for causing anyone pain...

But could they have been instead referring to something to do with a snake?
Now we're getting somewhere...well, maybe...does it have something to do with the headwaters of the Snake?
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Ah jeez, how long can we drag this out?

Fill in the blank

I believe it is the headwaters of the Snake _____ in southern Yellowstone NP, just southeast of Mariposa Lake.

a. River
b. River
c. River
d. All the above.

You forgot:

e. none of the above

because I scoured that area and it's just not there. Not gonna fall for it, fake spot. :uhhuh:


ETA: OK, I found it. I was so close that if it had been a snake it would've bit me. Hows about posting another?
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