Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Rockskipper, now saw this and immediately knew where this was. It is Boulder lake, Burnt Lake, little Blueberry, and nearby Soda Lake (down in the corner) which is all on the west side at the base of the Wind River Range and on the border of the Bridger Teton N.F. and the Bridger Wilderness. Also located southeast of Pinedale, Wy.

Now if am right go ahead and post another for will be unavailable later on to post a map and such. This was just too easy for myself and just had to reply. Have been here and such a nice area. Wishing You the best!
Since Kmatjhwy can't list a new spot, would someone else do one? I'm hanging out with Spaceman Spiff and all I have access to are alien-planet maps.

Never mind, I'll go ahead and post one of his. This is in our solar system - name the planet, and since Pluto no longer counts and it's not Earth, that leaves seven possibilities.

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Capulin Volcano

(I did use the Google, never been to this spot myself)
I believe the search was "us volcanic craters." My first thought was sunset crater in az, but that has no roads or trails going up it, so I went for Google to try to find a list of others.

I hope this isn't too esoteric or tough... shouldn't be too bad for those familiar with the area. Give the name of this unofficially named pass.20181105_232147.png

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