Album Weather, Storms and Clouds

Is there a way to keep your phone shutter open for long exposures? I'm using a DSLR, but if there's an app to do it on an iphone I'd be interested in learning...

I have a new Samsung 9 and I can put the camera into PRO mode and control the settings like an SLR.

Here's an app for Iphone. There are many.

Here are some Bluetooth triggers. I have #2.
Having a view of the Great Salt Lake is especially nice this time of year. I don't usually get out my real camera for the sunsets from home, but this made me change my mind a few days ago. Unfortunately, I hadn't figured out some important functions of my new camera very well and didn't have a trigger, so it's a little blurry, but you get the point.

Wouldn't have even noticed the focus if you hadn't said anything. The star of the show is clear as day, er, night, er... you know what I mean ;)
It's not actually the focus. I couldn't find the 2 second timer so it's just a little shake from manually triggering the long exposures. Some were worse than others...
Nice shot Nick. I was up the hill shooting the same storm tonight but got started a bit too late. The dust kicked up as the storm approached and really obscured a lot of the strikes.
Had a storm blow over while I was camping on Grand Mesa. Pounding rain, a bit of slush, lightning. I sat up and watched through the windshield for a bit as the lightning moved south. Suddenly, I realized that the rain had stopped but the lightning wasn't stopping, and was still within perfect view. With quite the flurry of activity, the tripod came out, I found my way out of my sleeping bag (the zipper is becoming a bother) and I stumbled outside to giddily catch some lightning pics.

Started out with the shutter open a bit too long, a bit blown out.

Then dialed it in. It was awesome to watch. I love lightning, truly hard to believe I used to be terrified of it. My camera also caught a neat time lapse effect with the clouds that I didn't expect. But that would be a lot of dark, ho mummy pictures to share...


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