Guess the spot

Wrong water course but right state. This CREEk flows into a famous River named not for it's geologic age but for its disovery by pioneers.
OK I might not get back here until tomorrow. I guess this wasn't fair but thought there'd be a boater out there that remembered this drop on GLADE CREEK. Rockskipper you can choose something else.
This is a reservoir, not a natural lake. It's a haven for rattlers and moskies. It's the kind of place you stay on the way to someplace else, not really a destination, unless you're a local and like boating. I'm sure many of you have a driven by it a number of times, and maybe even camped there overnight, since it's free. Not in Utah.

Well, you're now in the right state, but way too far east. This really isn't on the way to Yellowstone, but to points further northwest. For example, you would be likely to take this route to get to Glacier from SLC.
Oh neato! Funny, I've been on that I-15 "SW to Glacier" trip so many times over my life and do not remember Cross Canyon at all. Shame, because it looks quite lovely.

Yes I seem to have caught an insomnia bug...

I guess this can be next.
ValleyofFire 5.3.14 024.jpg
... near Fire Wave, VoF.

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Oh neato! Funny, I've been on that I-15 "SW to Glacier" trip so many times over my life and do not remember Cross Canyon at all. Shame, because it looks quite lovely.

Meh, you're not missing much...although the Beaverhead River below the reservoir is world class fly fishing.
I'm only kidding...actually Clark Canyon reservoir is a pretty cool place, but like you said for most people it is just a place to pass on your way through SW Montana. We'd spent a few weekends camping down there when I was a kid.
I'm only kidding...actually Clark Canyon reservoir is a pretty cool place, but like you said for most people it is just a place to pass on your way through SW Montana. We'd spent a few weekends camping down there when I was a kid.
Every time I've camped there, always on my way through, I've been eaten alive by mosquitoes. I've also seen rattlers in the grasses there more times than one. It's actually not my favorite place to stop, but I do like it from the perspective that it means I'm close to Dillon. I kind of like that little town for some reason.
Sorry no,
The road is in the east of the monument and an adult is there.

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