Guess the spot

Since no one is guessing this and LarryBoy has no clue will post one in which someone might know ....

The photo above is of North Fork Falls or also called North Buffalo Fork Falls. This falls is up the North Buffalo Fork River in the Teton Wilderness, maybe about 20 plus miles from the Turpin Meadows Trailhead. Have been here many a time.

This is the next photo of a lake in wild NW Wyoming ...

So Absarokanut, you would have gotten that one on the falls ... how about the lake?

Yes this lake is remote with probably at least 10 miles from the nearest nearest trailhead. The only way to this lake is via foot or horseback and it is very prime Grizzly habitat. And one thing about this lake, it used to be surrounded by conifers and good thick forest. Then in the 80s (1987) a high attitude tornado-windstorm passed right over this area and took out the forest. I remember hiking here before the windstorm and seeing the nice forest. Then afterwards seeing the dead timber stacked 10 feet high with the logs laying on one another from the windstorm. Then the next year in 1988, the Yellowstone fires burned in the area. Then there were some other fires in the area after that. And this photo was taken in July of 2011 and now how much around the lake is now nice mountain meadows. Of course with everything, this is here in NW Wyoming Wilds where the Grizzly still roams. Also thru the years, I always see Trumpeter Swans on this lake. Which Lake is this?
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Outdoor Fool, You are correct! Yes it is indeed Enos Lake! Now you are up.

Also good to see you around for have missed you here as of late.
I've done that before too... LOL
Being from AZ though it was an easy guess

Keeping the AZ theme... name the mountain in the background

As for my photo, it is in Choprock Canyon in the Escalante Canyon Area.

Since it seems as if not many people here are not guessing or interacting on this thread at the moment it seems, then why continue the game ...

... I am bowing out, soooo now whoever wants to continue with this thread can post. And to emphasize this, will say this again, whoever wants to post here can with continuing on with this thread for am bowing out. It seems as of late, not many people have been interested with this one thread. Feel free whoever and post.

Wishing Everyone the Best!
I am sure everyone was wrapped up in the holidays. Sometimes happens in the summer too when everyone is wrapped up in the backcountry :)

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