Guess the spot: Utah Edition

My very first guess was Huntington or Miller Flat, but I can't make either one work. My internet's too slow to scale it. Maybe @Titans has an idea...

Fairview Lakes! @Udink ‘s photo shows one full lake, but current Google map and Google Earth both show two partially filled lakes ;) , so this one took a while, ha…. He’s taking it up a notch! Very impressed @Rockskipper was within 4 miles, so if “Fairview Lakes” are correct I think she should go next :)

That might be harder than one would think. Here’s an example. See if you can guess it.

A river flows through it, whoops here’s another river. That makes two rivers. One is smaller than the other. Next to their meeting spot is a cave where an old hermit lived. The area was once named after him, but now has the name given by Powell. The Meadow by the rivers is named for the old hermits horse. If you say this loud enough, it will echo. Name the spot.

ETA I just realized this might technically be in Colorado. See, I told you it was hard. OK carry on with the regular guess the spot.
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