Guess the spot: Utah Edition

Yes, Smokey Mountain area. Now can we find the spot?
If nobody has it in 24 hours, you can take the next one.
IDK that area so if no one gets it, tell us and post another (I don't have anything to post right now).
Reynolds Point, from somewhere between Drip Tank and Pilot Rock. Like, hereabouts:
Winner winner! See that wasn't so hard. :lol: Funny thing is that was the exact view I had pulled up on street view to post in case someone didn't get it.

dennis is clearly correct but also this one has dragged so long I think we should declare automatic victory anyhow!
Agreed, that's why I was ready to give it up by the morning.

Smokey Mountain is not as interesting a place as others that are posted here, but it's the route I take most of the time when I need to get to Hole in the Rock road and on this trip, I was hitting it late in the day and the view's stood out more than they typically do at mid-day.
Also, if you find the need to throw up, but just can't get it out, that hole by the burning coal seam will send some great smells your way to aid in the process.
Winner winner! See that wasn't so hard. :lol: Funny thing is that was the exact view I had pulled up on street view to post in case someone didn't get it.
I've been out of town for a couple of weeks so I haven't ventured any guesses, but I'm back home now and spent maybe 20 minutes to finally figure this one out, thanks to the previous hints. Next up, this one isn't a Utah county high point but it's pretty close.IMG_3407.JPG
Standing at this point on the edge of this hillside for a specific reason. But just guessing what I am looking at is probably good enough!

I haven't lined it up on GE but I'll say you're going to drop into upper Death Hollow
Above and west of Paradise Flats is close enough for me! I was actually just a bit farther North and West up by Billings Pass. Was hitting the highest spot in Capitol Reef.
well, feels like it's looking maybe NE-ish from somewhere low on Boulder Mountain, with maybe Teasdale hiding there somewhere? but a bit of poking around on GE didn't make things lineup so maybe I'm off here.
well, feels like it's looking maybe NE-ish from somewhere low on Boulder Mountain, with maybe Teasdale hiding there somewhere? but a bit of poking around on GE didn't make things lineup so maybe I'm off here.
I think you are correct. If I had to guess the water hole, i'd say Rock Point Reservoir.
If this is indeed the location then it goes to @regehr because I wouldn't have found it without his initial guess.

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