Guess the spot: Utah Edition

I would have said Sheets Gulch in Cap Reef, but if it is in Canyonlands, that's not an option. It doesn't appear to be in the area I regularly hike in Canyonlands (Needles District). Somewhere off of the White Rim road in the Island in the Sky District? But the ridge in the back doesn't look high enough...
Syncline Loop.

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Thank you very much @Jackson - I very appreciated this.
Well, two years w/o Utah is in the sum no new pictures. An elder one.

Name the place where this picture was taken.

Yes, it’s Mollies Nipple. :) Beautiful area.
You’re up priz1234.

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I still need to make it up there sometime. Been telling myself for awhile now that I'm going to do it but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Name the peak this photo was taken from

kinda looks like the Pine Valley Mountains, but I don't know names of any low peaks there

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