Guess the spot: Maps Edition

OK, I'm kickstarting the thread. Apologies @uintahiker - you can have your turn back if you wish.

Planning a trip somewhere in Colorado next year. Name the drainage or one of the four marked peaks. Extra credit - name the "ridge" with the red checkmark - a famous rock climbing route, and my destination.


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Looks like Wham Ridge on Vestal Peak. The others are Electric, Arrow and the Trinity group. The range is the Grenadiers between Durango and Silverton.
Looks like Wham Ridge on Vestal Peak. The others are Electric, Arrow and the Trinity group. The range is the Grenadiers between Durango and Silverton.
Well done. You are up. Have you climbed Wham Ridge?
Clue: nearby is an internationally famous 'cultural' destination
Dang. Good clue. Unusual to name the rock type on a topo, ~6000' so west of the Mississippi, precipitous terrain and a road on it. Should be easy.... No idea.
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Okay, maybe 'cultural' is a stretch... But I thought calling it by it's proper name would be too easy: an internationally famous entertaiment destination.
Red Rocks, Colo ?
Red Rocks, Colo ?
Got it! You were close Bob. Well not that close. Two states away. But your statement caught my eye. The red'd out feature is Rainbow Mtn between Oak Creek and Pine Creek in Red Rock Canyon Natural Conservation Area just west of Las Vegas. A wonderful place to climb and hike and bird watch. In fact it is sorely underrepresented in trip reports here at BCP.

Kullaberg: cutlural headquarters? You must have been referring to Parump. :giggle:
ha ha ........ you owe me then.
Never been down there.....too hot
Langutah is up!

The hike to the summit of Rainbow Mountain is a classic desert expedition. The entire escarpment in fact, from the Calico Hills in the north all the way down to Windy Peak, is a fantastic place to explore. Most of the hiking is off-trail in boulder strewn canyons or exposed ledges. The 'peaks' are not easy to summit, as most require a full day and very complex routefinding.

Highly recommended for any desert aficianado.
Somewhere in Central Utah. Name the tower or the plateau in the northwest of the map.
It's Chimney Rock below Cedar Mountain. But that is really all I know of this feature.
You got it. It is the also the site of a controversial, newly-bulldozed ATV trail going up the mountain. You're up.

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