Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Here is one, may be easy? Some of us "older" may have actually been there done that here....... Where is this?
East of I-15 but not near 6.
Ways south of I-80 :)
:cry: Ok, think snow ..........
Everyone give up on this one? Been awhile..... :sleepy2:
Around Blanding ...... Monticello area easy of a hint, do you know the name ?
Ok, now you got it......
Yes, udink got it very fast.

Joshua Tree's Hidden Valley campground, a favored winter hang-out for the legendary Stone Masters of the 70's Yosemite climbing scene. This was back in the day of free unlimited camping of the then designated Monument.
It's been a while with no guesses, so here's a wider view. The little blue spot to the right of center is a named feature on the USGS topo map.

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Looks thermal. Well, I zoomed around Jellystone and couldn't find it.

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