Guess the spot: Maps Edition

i could've sworn that i'd known where this was, but it turns out that it just looks like every other mountain i've ever seen on topo.
That O'Fool is tricky. What can we glean from the map? Two parallel lines - park boundary? It is also below treeline and it looks like there are green rectangular lakes on the summits.....

Anybody see through his blurring of the elevations? I think I read one at 95,787' but am probably wrong.
Once again, I think those are in inches. If so, that's almost 8000 feet. And note the word canyon in the upper right corner and the word peak in the lower left, just to throw everyone off. It all kind of resembles a cobweb. Tricky indeed.
You know I think it is totally possible that O_F may have added the two parallel lines in to the map. Although not strictly within the rules it sure would be a good diversion/distraction.
(I know, I know, there aren't really that many rules in the game...)
Do the rules say it has to be on Earth? It's probably a topo of someplace on Mars that he doctored up a little.
Do the rules say it has to be on Earth? It's probably a topo of someplace on Mars that he doctored up a little.
No they don’t. In fact I have posted a map from Mars before but it was guessed pretty quick. These guys and gals are pretty good but sometimes not good enough to guess through some people’s chicanery and obfuscation. :cool:
You know I think it is totally possible that O_F may have added the two parallel lines in to the map. Although not strictly within the rules it sure would be a good diversion/distraction.
(I know, I know, there aren't really that many rules in the game...)

Do the rules say it has to be on Earth? It's probably a topo of someplace on Mars that he doctored up a little.

You guys saw that Larry got this already right? Those lines are the Nevada state line. And Outdoor isn't being that tricky. If you zoom in enough, you can make out the elevation of Montgomery peak at 13441. That's what I did.
You guys saw that Larry got this already right? Those lines are the Nevada state line. And Outdoor isn't being that tricky. If you zoom in enough, you can make out the elevation of Montgomery peak at 13441. That's what I did.
I didn't see a confirmation.
How in the heck did you read that elevation? Good eyes and imagination?
What Liz said ...
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I couldn't read it either... the Nevada California line is just the only place I know of that has a line of demarcation on that angle. Stood to reason that it was the highest point in NV

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