Album Wildlife

I've been fortunate enough to have seen dozens of bobcat over the years. Have never gotten a good still picture of one though. Shot lots of video of them, in the long ago time before I decided I'd rather have hot poo than edit another minute of video ever again and before I took up taking pictures.

Badgers, have seen probably three or four for every bobcat. In the hundreds. Watching them excavate is still a treat though. They can move an astonishing amount of dirt in an amazingly short period of time. Prairie dog towns are a good place to see them in action.

I watched this one digging up ground squirrels a couple weeks ago.




Have sat and watched coyote take advantage of badgers a few times as well. Coyote sitting and watching while badger does all the work of digging, coyote picking off prairie dogs popping out of side entrances.

About 20 years ago, I sat and played with one for awhile one afternoon. I was pretty well concealed and not moving and the badger did not see me or at least did not recognize my form. I called him right up to me by making a rodent squeaking sound - a lip squeak I call it. He came up and literally sniffed the toes of my boots. Then scurried off. But another lip squeak turned him around and he came right back to me. Repeated the exercise 4 times before he finally lost interest and left the scene.

Slightly macabre factoid, but knowing it has led to a few close range badger sightings over the years - if you see an intact dead cow carcass/mummy in the desert, look inside the body cavity. Have seen badgers apparently taken up temporary residence inside those carcasses a few times. Have also seen one bury an entire deer carcass once, again in an amazingly short period of time.

Bobcat are interesting critters too. They definitely march to their own drum. In my many encounters - mostly having called them in, so I'm sitting in concealment and they have come to me - they don't seem to rely much on their noses. They rarely work the wind the way a coyote always will and a badger usually does. And even when they do get downwind, don't often seem spooked by smelling me. The most interesting behavior to me though is that they act like they think they are invisible. Which, really, most of the time, they actually are for practical purposes. It can be comical though, having one right in front of you that obviously knows you are there, but seems to think you don't know it is there.

Great photos, my friend. Your camera is working much better ;)
Actually, Bob took those photos. :) I just took over his camera after my batteries died, and am using his work to get popular. :) I did get good video of them running towards us though, as well as the mom pushing the third guy down the den.
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This is a photo that @Scott Chandler sent us from Katmai National Park yesterday. HIs summer stint seems to be going well. If he only had as much luck catching fish as this fellow.
Yeah! I've been talking to Scott-man before he left and up there. I spent some time in Katmai backpacking and bear-evading. Now if we can just get him to post some more pics of the Valley of 10,000 Smokes with his paltry 10 Mb/wk-or-whatever sat-phone internet allowance :cool:
Not the best or most close up, but for me this was super up close and personal with a pronghorn. Went out to hike and camp in western Nebraska a couple days ago to get a change of scenery. Only a 7 hour drive to get there, heh.

Nice! That guy is living the live isn't he?!?
He had 10 Chinese people on his Valley trip a couple days ago, who knew little to no English. He said it was like herding cats. It didn't go very well but I don't think there was an international incident involved.
I may not have any of the "Big Stuff" around here, but i do have bats. Lots and LOTS of bats. I don't know if there's some roost hidden near me or if they just like feeding over the pond, but from mid July to mid Aug, I can step outside awhile after sunset, and have 100 -200 bats wheeling around me.





Hi everyone. I'm back in the lower 48 after a summer in Katmai National Park in Alaska. I'm sifting through pictures, trying to think what makes sense to share. TR? Photo album? We'll see how things work. In the meantime, I have a lot of pictures of a certain wildlife that make as much sense as anything to simply put on here.

Ursus arctos- The Brown Bear
7.6 Bears-2.jpg 7.6 Bears-108.jpg 7.7 Bears-44.jpg 7.7 Bears-86.jpg Sept BC-209.jpg Sept BC-195.jpg

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