Album Wildflowers

Often incorrectly referred to as "Tiger Lilies"- as they are certainly similar to the flowers above - the Western Wood Lily is native to Alberta. Typical habitat is aspen parklands in the foothills and prairies. Saw a few on a mountain bike ride today:
Are these Mountain Avens? or something else? I realized this weekend after seeing a million of them, I was not really sure what they were.

I know them as Marsh Marigolds. For sure they are not Mountain Avens, which are seen below from last Friday's hike across Jumpingpound Ridge, Alberta.
Note the difference in leaves, and habitat- Avens goes for dry stony ground whereas the Marigold likes damper conditions.
Not that I am any kind of authority on wildflowers, but I often hike with a couple of botanist friends who are, and have been gradually learning by osmosis.
I'll toss in another image from Friday. The flowers were at their peak in that location, a spot where they come early, and are gone before too long.
Further into the Alberta Rockies- peak wildflower is typically mid July-early August.
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I know them as Marsh Marigolds. For sure they are not Mountain Avens, which are seen below from last Friday's hike across Jumpingpound Ridge, Alberta.
Note the difference in leaves, and habitat- Avens goes for dry stony ground whereas the Marigold likes damper conditions.
Not that I am any kind of authority on wildflowers, but I often hike with a couple of botanist friends who are, and have been gradually learning by osmosis.

Ah, perfect. It was definitely marshy. I only see them real early. I will look up marsh marigolds.
Queens Crown I think. It grows at high altitudes. This is around 13,000'PICT0390 (2).JPG
This is an older photo but I'll bet that most of you have not seen a Wooly Lousewort. I found this one in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The hairs help protect it from freezing.19 Wooly Lousewort.JPG
Spent 5 days in the Southern Winds. Found these absolutely pristine lupines covering all the hills around Temple Lakes.

That shot is awesome!
I looked very longingly at Temple Thursday... I wanted to include it in this trip, but my buddy had to do a shorter trip.

A few places were rock gardens of eden still.
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Flower season is winding down, especially with this week's hot weather. A few from hikes last week near the Columbia Icefields, Alberta.
Moss Campion.
Purple Saxifrage adding colour to the austere landscape pictured below.

Great pockets of flowers on a rambling off-trail meadow loop.
Arnica. No idea what variety- there are lots of them.
The glaciated peaks a reminder that winter is never that far off.

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