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While it’s tough to compete with a @scatman leprechaun, here’s our granddaughter with her new baby brother Weylyn Patrick, born 3/15. A little early for St. Patrick’s Day but the name is Irish.

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The competition is officially over! What a handsome little guy. Congratulations @kwc! Make sure he listens to some Chieftain's music from this day on on a regular basis, and you may have a Scatman II on your hands. :D
a few selfie images from my last Zion hike


Van Cott hike this morning.

Spring Parsley

Focused on the wrong plant here, but I kind of liked the shot anyway. Desert Alyssum and Common Storksbill

Common Storksbill

I saw two arrowleaf balsamroot plants about to bloom - this is one of them.

Low Cryptantha

Low Cryptantha

Just off the Van Cott summit

Prickly Pear

Red ants

View of Dry Canyon
What were those red ants doing? It looks kind of suspicious all ganged up like that, like some kind of hijinks.

Did you accidentally drop a circus peanut?

I've got a vice grip when it comes to circus peanuts. :)

They were just on their nest doing ant things. I should have taken a zoomed out picture too, but I didn't. After sitting in a nest of them in Yellowstone just before crossing Chipmunk Creek when I was doing a day hike with my daughter on our canoe trip, I tend to give them quite a bit of respect now. I can't believe it has already been three years since that canoe trip. My time on this little old planet is getting shorter and shorter I'm afraid. :scatman:
Yvonne, Wishing You the Best in your move to the Pacific Northwest. You will love it. Have been in the PNW bunches of times with a few years living in Seattle. It has soooo much to offer. Also the Olympic Peninsula is Awesome! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!
Yvonne, Wishing You the Best in your move to the Pacific Northwest. You will love it. Have been in the PNW bunches of times with a few years living in Seattle. It has soooo much to offer. Also the Olympic Peninsula is Awesome! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!
I can't wait to get settled and start exploring. My bucket list is so long, lol
There will be lots of pictures coming soon
What were you trying to talk the Ranger into? :) Looks like an intense conversation? And did you get the route/campsites that you wanted?
What were you trying to talk the Ranger into? :) Looks like an intense conversation? And did you get the route/campsites that you wanted?

Telling him tall tales about the backcountry of course! :D No, I was picking up my permit for a canoe trip down the east side of Yellowstone Lake. We had originally asked for campsite 6A4 at the bottom of the South Arm, but someone had already reserved it, so we had to move on to site 6A3, just north of the Trail Creek Patrol Cabin.

We stayed at that site for two nights, and on our second day there, we hiked over to Trail Lake, passing by the folks at 6A4. We stopped to say "Hello," and they told us that a juvenile grizzly had come into their camp earlier in the morning while they were eating breakfast. They had to bang some pots together and yell to get it to leave. I kept thinking to myself that that could have been our group if we had gotten the site. Just my luck. :(

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