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I think it's behind that tree on the horizon, since that's the only part of the photo that would load on my computer. Those orange socks might help searchers when you get bogged down in Yellowstone - oh wait, the socks would be in the mud, so hows about one of those orange flags like ATVers put on their rigs to see them coming? You could strap it to your pack.
I think it's behind that tree on the horizon, since that's the only part of the photo that would load on my computer. Those orange socks might help searchers when you get bogged down in Yellowstone - oh wait, the socks would be in the mud, so hows about one of those orange flags like ATVers put on their rigs to see them coming? You could strap it to your pack.

I knew you'd be able to find it. :)

Your flag idea won't work. The wind resistance of the flag would essentially halt my progress. I'd be moving my feet, but not going anywhere. My trip report would be the same pictures from the same location. While I wouldn't be against such a trip report, I'm thinking that no one else would go for it. So maybe the orange bicycle cap will have to be the beacon that my rescuers will look for when the call "Scatman Down!" goes over the airwaves. :scatman:
I knew you'd be able to find it. :)

Your flag idea won't work. The wind resistance of the flag would essentially halt my progress. I'd be moving my feet, but not going anywhere. My trip report would be the same pictures from the same location. While I wouldn't be against such a trip report, I'm thinking that no one else would go for it. So maybe the orange bicycle cap will have to be the beacon that my rescuers will look for when the call "Scatman Down!" goes over the airwaves. :scatman:
Well, be sure to embroider the words "DIG HERE" on the cap. :)
After perusing th pages of history, I noticed a pattern with Scatman’s choice in outdoor apparel.
Back in th old pic, he is draped in muted, if not dark tones that blend in seamlessly with th environment…
In th past few years splashes of colorful kilts have emerged from th ole wardrobe .

In retrospect, my color choices too have evolved…th greens n grays have mutated to tangerines and turquoises…Plaids nor kilts have yet to adorn The Troutwhisperer, but who knows?
Hangin with Scatman has not only upped my backpacking game but also my backpacking attire.

Kudos to you Scatman, for staying on th cutting edge of all that is Yellowstone and lookin good doin it!
After perusing th pages of history, I noticed a pattern with Scatman’s choice in outdoor apparel.
Back in th old pic, he is draped in muted, if not dark tones that blend in seamlessly with th environment…
In th past few years splashes of colorful kilts have emerged from th ole wardrobe .

In retrospect, my color choices too have evolved…th greens n grays have mutated to tangerines and turquoises…Plaids nor kilts have yet to adorn The Troutwhisperer, but who knows?
Hangin with Scatman has not only upped my backpacking game but also my backpacking attire.

Kudos to you Scatman, for staying on th cutting edge of all that is Yellowstone and lookin good doin it!

I don't think I've ever seen Scatman and "lookin good" in the same sentence before. You might need to get your glasses checked. :D
I've had a long streak of consecutive weekend hikes going, but I thought this weekend might just break that streak, as it was supposed to rain today and then snow tomorrow. But after playing some B-ball this morning, I had a window before the storm moved in, so Sheila and I did a short hike up the Avenues Twin Peaks again to keep my streak alive.

I also bought two old, used point-and-shoot cameras off of Ebay, one for $7.00, and the other for $8.00. They are a Canon PowerShot SD100 and a Canon Powershot SD200. I took the SD100, and Sheila took the SD200. I thought the shots came out pretty good considering. :thumbsup:

And a BCP greeting for @Rockskipper thrown in for good measure. :)
Met this young man the first week of February on the AL Pinhoti. After 6-7 miles of good conversation, I liked him so much that I cut my day short to share a shelter with him. He's thruhiking the Pinhoti Trail/Benton MacKaye Trail/Appalachian Trail, and now in the Smokies, >200 miles into the AT:thumbsup:

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