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Scatman, so you have a Gimp in your walk now? So how long have you had this? I would not have known with all of your hiking. Now I myself have a Gimp in my walk from some bad step and fall hiking some years ago. It is something now that I just live with. Wishing You the Best!

Well, once I get up and going I'm fine, but when I first get up from a sitting position I do have a slight gimp to start off with on my left side. It's from an old ACL injury that is slowly getting worse as I age.
Scatman, Why are you not a Smiler? Yes I also have a gimp in my walk from stepping wrong in my hiking some years ago. It got worse after a few years then stabilized. . It is from a bad ankle on my right side. I always had more weak ankles it seemed. But I still hike and bike everywhere. Like yourself it is the worst when I start to get going somewhere. I have a little brace but I never never use it. Do think in just using the ankle works wonders bigtime personally. Never have gone to see a doctor on it. Just do keep on hiking and biking. Life is Great! Hope your brace works wonders for you in your Beartooth Hike.
on the West Rim trail


Don’t mess with the Viking!

2 warm sweaters, a vest, a windbreaker, gloves , headband- just trying to stay warm today! Northern winds, 25-35mph with 50mph gusts. Temperature hovering around 37-39F in the park, not sure what the windchill was, but we struggled to stay warm today. It was lots of fun doing some easy bouldering…

The big tree…., very cool!
I heart Joshua Tree

Thanks so much for all your help @Reef&Ruins ! Its been a big surprise here, so much variety with things to do. And it’s easy to go off trail and not see anyone all day. It’s warming up some, we only used 1 sweater plus a windbreaker today. The gloves did come out.

The boulders are a lot of fun, though it was challenging to move this one out of the way yesterday :

Rick looking for a route down- it worked!

We were on the other side of those big boulders and came down through it all further up.

Lovely old cars

Another big one
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Sheila and I donated a pint of blood apiece yesterday afternoon, so today I needed to do a hike where I wouldn't end face down on a trail somewhere,so we went with the old stand by, the Avenues Twin Peaks.

The knees are screaming at me. :) This shot is for @zionsky .

My better half.

A solitaire tree in an old lime excavation

North twin above

A potential for a @regehr photobomb in this one, though he might have hiked it on Saturday. The Dude Benchmark, where we
were last weekend.

Sheila, about to round the turn and head for the north twin, with a nice shot of the northern ridge of City Creek that we hiked last

On the South Twin Peak with Burro Peak and Black Mountain in the distance

This one is for @Rockskipper .

Sheila, checking out a new apparatus that they have cabled to some rocks just off the summit of the south twin. Is it a air quality

The first wildflower of the year! Common Storksbill, seen on our way down the south twin.
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Glad the dog wasn't a high-altitude stray, as they have a rough time of it, especially since it takes more treats to survive way up there. Love the photo, but your overly-technical language is a bit difficult to parse, just sayin'.
Isn't that Fremont Peak behind you? I mean you can't really see it, right behind your kilt...

And you need red socks to complete the fashion statement. Just sayin'...

Of course that's Fremont. You've got a good eye there Skipper.

I think you mean orange socks?

These are on my radar.

Orange Hiking Socks

And a mud shot for you. Can you find Fremont in this one? :D

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