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Have a great time @scatman and keep posting new photos!

I'm done with the trip. We had to turn back after three days due to snow. :( Ended up coming out a day early and exploring some of the canyons on the east side of the range, which was enjoyable. I'll try to get a trip report up after I go through all my images and decide which ones to use. I'm heading in for my long awaited surgery tomorrow bright and early, so I should have some time next week to gather my thoughts and come up with a report. :thumbsup: or maybe :thumbsdown: since I had to turn back. :)
I'm done with the trip. We had to turn back after three days due to snow. :( Ended up coming out a day early and exploring some of the canyons on the east side of the range, which was enjoyable. I'll try to get a trip report up after I go through all my images and decide which ones to use. I'm heading in for my long awaited surgery tomorrow bright and early, so I should have some time next week to gather my thoughts and come up with a report. :thumbsup: or maybe :thumbsdown: since I had to turn back. :)
Best luck on the surgery!
I'm done with the trip. We had to turn back after three days due to snow. :( Ended up coming out a day early and exploring some of the canyons on the east side of the range, which was enjoyable. I'll try to get a trip report up after I go through all my images and decide which ones to use. I'm heading in for my long awaited surgery tomorrow bright and early, so I should have some time next week to gather my thoughts and come up with a report. :thumbsup: or maybe :thumbsdown: since I had to turn back. :)
@scatman, how did the surgery go?
@scatman, how did the surgery go?

I guess it went well @Artemus; still too sore to know if it did any good yet. Let's see, I had my surgery at 7:30 am on Friday, June 28th. The procedure took just over an hour and a half to complete and I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until I could urinate, which probably took another hour and a half after drinking a lot of cranberry juice, and some fluids from an IV to boot. Once I was out, my family immediately headed to the Uintas where we stayed a couple of nights at the Sulphur Campground on Hayden Fork. I spent most of my time sitting in a camp chair or asleep in the tent, though on Saturday I did manage to take a slow moving stroll up Hayden Fork to enjoy the wildflowers. Also, we had a couple of moose come by our campsite which lifted my spirits.



Evening of the surgery

Very slow stroll up Hayden Fork on Saturday

The first week after surgery, I didn't feel like I had a whole lot of strength or stamina, but I tried to do a little bit of walking around the house. I did go back to work on Monday, but instead of walking to and from my office each day, my wife would drop me off in the morning and my daughter would pick me up in the afternoon. I felt pretty beat by the time I got home and would take a short nap.

They told me that one week after my surgery, I could resume walking extended distances and even begin to walk to work and back, and adding some light hiking (not sure what that means). So Friday afternoon on the 5th, after work, I walked from my house to E Street here in the Avenues which is about 1.2 miles round trip. When I returned home, I was depleted so I took a nap. On Saturday, I extended to A Street, which puts the distance at 1.8 miles, and once again I was pretty tired and needed to rest when I got home - rest, meaning nap time. :) On Sunday, I extended once again by walking to A Street and then dropping down to 8th Avenue and then back east to M Street, back up the hill to 9th Ave and then home. The total distance for this route is 2.0 miles, and I was able to make it the rest of the day without falling asleep, and I could tell for the first time that my stamina was increasing.

So on Monday, I began walking to work again, which is 2.25 miles one way. I have been taking the bus home this week though as I do not believe I am ready for the hill in the heat of the day quite yet. I have my follow up appointment tomorrow morning up at the U of U, so we will see what they have to say. I plan on walking home from work starting next week and will see how walking uphill for 2.25 miles feels like. Also, I will be able to start lifting up to 15 pounds as of this coming Friday (up from 8 for the first two weeks).

I thought I might try and hike to the top of the Avenues Twin Peaks on Sunday (my 55th birthday) and see how it goes. It an easy 1.4 one-way hike with about 1100 feet of elevation gain. I had originally planned to spend my 55th on top of Mount Olympus, but there is no way that is happening. :(

So I've got sixteen days until my canoe trip with Katie around Yellowstone Lake and I'm slowly gathering all of my gear for it, I think I should be good to go, though originally the doctor told me it would take four weeks for my recovery, yet before my surgery he said six. If I could grind through some of the Toiyabes for seven days with a bad groin, I'm sure I can paddle a canoe. :thumbsup:
I guess it went well @Artemus; still too sore to know if it did any good yet. Let's see, I had my surgery at 7:30 am on Friday, June 28th. The procedure took just over an hour and a half to complete and I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until I could urinate, which probably took another hour and a half after drinking a lot of cranberry juice, and some fluids from an IV to boot. Once I was out, my family immediately headed to the Uintas where we stayed a couple of nights at the Sulphur Campground on Hayden Fork. I spent most of my time sitting in a camp chair or asleep in the tent, though on Saturday I did manage to take a slow moving stroll up Hayden Fork to enjoy the wildflowers. Also, we had a couple of moose come by our campsite which lifted my spirits.

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Evening of the surgery

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Very slow stroll up Hayden Fork on Saturday

The first week after surgery, I didn't feel like I had a whole lot of strength or stamina, but I tried to do a little bit of walking around the house. I did go back to work on Monday, but instead of walking to and from my office each day, my wife would drop me off in the morning and my daughter would pick me up in the afternoon. I felt pretty beat by the time I got home and would take a short nap.

They told me that one week after my surgery, I could resume walking extended distances and even begin to walk to work and back, and adding some light hiking (not sure what that means). So Friday afternoon on the 5th, after work, I walked from my house to E Street here in the Avenues which is about 1.2 miles round trip. When I returned home, I was depleted so I took a nap. On Saturday, I extended to A Street, which puts the distance at 1.8 miles, and once again I was pretty tired and needed to rest when I got home - rest, meaning nap time. :) On Sunday, I extended once again by walking to A Street and then dropping down to 8th Avenue and then back east to M Street, back up the hill to 9th Ave and then home. The total distance for this route is 2.0 miles, and I was able to make it the rest of the day without falling asleep, and I could tell for the first time that my stamina was increasing.

So on Monday, I began walking to work again, which is 2.25 miles one way. I have been taking the bus home this week though as I do not believe I am ready for the hill in the heat of the day quite yet. I have my follow up appointment tomorrow morning up at the U of U, so we will see what they have to say. I plan on walking home from work starting next week and will see how walking uphill for 2.25 miles feels like. Also, I will be able to start lifting up to 15 pounds as of this coming Friday (up from 8 for the first two weeks).

I thought I might try and hike to the top of the Avenues Twin Peaks on Sunday (my 55th birthday) and see how it goes. It an easy 1.4 one-way hike with about 1100 feet of elevation gain. I had originally planned to spend my 55th on top of Mount Olympus, but there is no way that is happening. :(

So I've got sixteen days until my canoe trip with Katie around Yellowstone Lake and I'm slowly gathering all of my gear for it, I think I should be good to go, though originally the doctor told me it would take four weeks for my recovery, yet before my surgery he said six. If I could grind through some of the Toiyabes for seven days with a bad groin, I'm sure I can paddle a canoe. :thumbsup:

Sounds like pretty good progress! Glad things are looking good for your upcoming trip. BTW... I’m jealous you got to spend your initial recovery days in the Uintas. I was hating my couch after I had my feet surgery.
They told me that one week after my surgery, I could resume walking extended distances and even begin to walk to work and back, and adding some light hiking (not sure what that means).

Bwahahaha! For you that means Mt. Olympus!

You have some work to do before our 20 miler across Mary Mountain in Jellystone in a month :) My personal training best getting ready for that is 6 miles and 2400' up Broads Fork to the lower cirque after my surgery. I am counting on you being the strong one as usual so you can carry my parts out after I gas out in Jellystone. Maybe our sweeties are going to be carrying us both out.

Good news, welcome back. Slowly...
Bwahahaha! For you that means Mt. Olympus!

You have some work to do before our 20 miler across Mary Mountain in Jellystone in a month :) My personal training best getting ready for that is 6 miles and 2400' up Broads Fork to the lower cirque after my surgery. I am counting on you being the strong one as usual so you can carry my parts out after I gas out in Jellystone. Maybe our sweeties are going to be carrying us both out.

Good news, welcome back. Slowly...

Yeah, I've got a lot of work to do. I guess I'll have to start eating my spinach if I'm supposed to be the strong one. I'm hoping that my day hikes to Delusion Lake, the ponds below Flat Mountain, Alder Lake, Two Ocean Plateau and Langford Cairn will prepare me for the twenty miler. :thumbsup: I'm guessing with all the grizz, wolves and bison we will encounter in Hayden Valley, that it will keep our adrenaline levels high enough to complete the twenty miles. :) If you end up in pieces, I'll just haul you to one of the carcass dumps I've visited in the past. :D Once we reach Mary Lake, we will be halfway between the one to the northwest and the one to the southeast. Which one would you prefer me to carry your pieces to? :lol: I'm looking forward to the hike. :scatman:
I guess it went well @Artemus; still too sore to know if it did any good yet. Let's see, I had my surgery at 7:30 am on Friday, June 28th. The procedure took just over an hour and a half to complete and I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until I could urinate, which probably took another hour and a half after drinking a lot of cranberry juice, and some fluids from an IV to boot. Once I was out, my family immediately headed to the Uintas where we stayed a couple of nights at the Sulphur Campground on Hayden Fork. I spent most of my time sitting in a camp chair or asleep in the tent, though on Saturday I did manage to take a slow moving stroll up Hayden Fork to enjoy the wildflowers. Also, we had a couple of moose come by our campsite which lifted my spirits.

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View attachment 79396
Evening of the surgery

View attachment 79397
Very slow stroll up Hayden Fork on Saturday

The first week after surgery, I didn't feel like I had a whole lot of strength or stamina, but I tried to do a little bit of walking around the house. I did go back to work on Monday, but instead of walking to and from my office each day, my wife would drop me off in the morning and my daughter would pick me up in the afternoon. I felt pretty beat by the time I got home and would take a short nap.

They told me that one week after my surgery, I could resume walking extended distances and even begin to walk to work and back, and adding some light hiking (not sure what that means). So Friday afternoon on the 5th, after work, I walked from my house to E Street here in the Avenues which is about 1.2 miles round trip. When I returned home, I was depleted so I took a nap. On Saturday, I extended to A Street, which puts the distance at 1.8 miles, and once again I was pretty tired and needed to rest when I got home - rest, meaning nap time. :) On Sunday, I extended once again by walking to A Street and then dropping down to 8th Avenue and then back east to M Street, back up the hill to 9th Ave and then home. The total distance for this route is 2.0 miles, and I was able to make it the rest of the day without falling asleep, and I could tell for the first time that my stamina was increasing.

So on Monday, I began walking to work again, which is 2.25 miles one way. I have been taking the bus home this week though as I do not believe I am ready for the hill in the heat of the day quite yet. I have my follow up appointment tomorrow morning up at the U of U, so we will see what they have to say. I plan on walking home from work starting next week and will see how walking uphill for 2.25 miles feels like. Also, I will be able to start lifting up to 15 pounds as of this coming Friday (up from 8 for the first two weeks).

I thought I might try and hike to the top of the Avenues Twin Peaks on Sunday (my 55th birthday) and see how it goes. It an easy 1.4 one-way hike with about 1100 feet of elevation gain. I had originally planned to spend my 55th on top of Mount Olympus, but there is no way that is happening. :(

So I've got sixteen days until my canoe trip with Katie around Yellowstone Lake and I'm slowly gathering all of my gear for it, I think I should be good to go, though originally the doctor told me it would take four weeks for my recovery, yet before my surgery he said six. If I could grind through some of the Toiyabes for seven days with a bad groin, I'm sure I can paddle a canoe. :thumbsup:

Happy birthday Scat.
I hiked to the Subway again on Thursday and practiced a bit more taking selfies while jumping into the big pool.
I could jump into it all day long, lol


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