The "good morning" thread

That's an impressive list! Really interesting, all of it. Was your work on gyroscopes and accelerometers before their use took off in all of the portable devices everyone has now? Those things are awesome (meaning accelerometers and gyroscopes. I guess cell phones and fitness trackers are alright as well). I'm still in college right now, and I've got a year left on my chemistry undergraduate degree, so I've just barely scratched the surface.
It has been quite the ride. I am at the other end of a person's career - been working for 40 years. You go boy - a tech career has provided me interesting and fulfilling work and a decent income. Going forward there will never be shortage of jobs for technologists.

My work on gyroscopes and accels were on the very high end, very high accuracy instruments for navigation. Only the military could afford them, or on long distance aircraft. These were all large. Large as in fist-size down to pinky-tip size. The MEMS revolution (microelectromechanical systems) was just being invented and productionized. I worked on those too when they were still in basic research. The MEMS instruments still are not very high accuracy but they are way small and way cheap now because they were designed to be manufactured with the same processes and on the same equipment that has carried us through the computer revolution and the steady marching on of Moore's Law.

The flight computer on my semi-automated, GPS stabilized, flying camera platform (called a drone when being insulted) I bought for $1000 is a computer and 6 MEMS instruments in a package the size of pinky fingernail and costs about $100. My equivalent systems were $200K and the size of a microwave albeit three orders of magnitude more accurate and stable.

BTW my close friend is a Phd chemist with a career in carbon graphite composites for airframes. If you start having motivation problems I will have him give you a talking to... :)

There, I've really bogarted the good morning thread now.
Good morning from Jackson, Wyoming.
The van is fixed. It took me 6 hours to drive down from Gardiner to Jackson. Still lots of people in the park. I picked up a job for half the day today. Heading off for a 10 day trek into Yellowstone tomorrow. Hoping the cold weather continues to hold off.
Good morning. i came out of the Grand Canyon a few days early, due to some blisters, chafing issues, and pack tearing issues. all around it was a good decision. no single thing was ever that bad through the hike out, but the night after i could barely stand on my feet to take a shower they hurts so bad. i exited on sunday and slowly made my way back up to Boise. enjoyed the time i was down there. hiked down the Tanner Trail and out the South Kaibab, with an after noon going a few miles out the Beamer Trail and back.
Mornin! Twas a busy weekend. Worked non stop on the honey do list on Saturday so that I could catch a Lions win on Sunday. Roaster 5 lbs of coffee so I'm ready to take on the week.

Ben, I would love to see some pics and a TR. Or did I miss it.

Vegan, that's some funny sounding metal. But cool.

Side note: Joey is a JERK!!
Good evening. Heading over to @Bob 's new house in Island Park to check it out. If he is sleeping in his tent in all this rain right now, I'll be very impressed.
Good evening. Heading over to @Bob 's new house in Island Park to check it out. If he is sleeping in his tent in all this rain right now, I'll be very impressed.
If he is, buy him a hot coffee and let him count that night as another night on the ground. 103+.
If he wants you to haul shingles ask for gas money ahead of time :)
Ha-ha.......I have taping in shakey ladders....
Last week was last in the tent/ truck. Actually in sleeping bag but under the deck roof....grizzlies can still kiss me though.. No windows or doors yet..
Mornin' all,

I unexpectedly got the day off! President Obama is visiting Rutgers and is apparently speaking at the School of Public Affairs which is attached to my building. I'm guessing they gave us off either because of security issues accessing the building or because they are taking over our parking lot.

Not sure what to do with myself, but I'm definitely feel like being lazy and unproductive. I'm thinking of checking out "Departures" on Netflix. Some Canadian travel/adventure show. Has anyone watched it?
Good morning! Snowing down in the valley this morning. Accumulations are supposed to be rather light though.
Gmornin'. No weekend plans for the first time in weeks. I've only had 2 weekend backpacking trips since mid September. All that to say it's time to set my fantasy football aside for a few days and get out.

@Ben , why did you need to go south of the boarder for dental work?

@Bob , I hope @Joey used more than caulk to install those new windows.

Enjoy the weekend folks.

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