We have great philosophical conversations about what it means to "camp". Sometimes we are, sometimes we aren't. Right now, we are just "living in the RV" and that's OK sometimes too. We're getting the bank accounts looking better and getting better prepared for another round out west in the fall.
We have a saying - "the type of your adventure is determined by your tolerance for being inconvenienced." My wife is not, and never will be, a hardcore tent camper/hiker/ outdoorsy gal. She will tell you straight out she is a homebody, so I put wheels under the home. For us the inconveniences of an RV were the best compromise for more adventurous life with kids than living in the suburbs.
Once we get out and get the "home" in prettier and more rustic spots I can get her out for exploration, hikes and outdoor time.
We have a saying - "the type of your adventure is determined by your tolerance for being inconvenienced." My wife is not, and never will be, a hardcore tent camper/hiker/ outdoorsy gal. She will tell you straight out she is a homebody, so I put wheels under the home. For us the inconveniences of an RV were the best compromise for more adventurous life with kids than living in the suburbs.
Once we get out and get the "home" in prettier and more rustic spots I can get her out for exploration, hikes and outdoor time.