Album Sunsets

Sunshine Peak on the left, Mount Wilson on the right, Wilson Peak just to the left and behind Mt. Wilson:


Telluride ski area, with Marshall basin and the site of the Tomboy mine above with Mt. Sneffels (?) far left:

Great shot Yvonne.
I like how you kept the detail in the cactus and foreground while not overexposing the sky.
So best laid plans and all... Was just looking back at the old To Do in 2016 plans post, and pretty much shot that out already ;)... That's life. Went out to Ontario in May/June this year instead of the normal fall trip. Hooked up with a good friend of mine who moved back there for an evening of exploring the unknown areas (to me) hidden away in between the bustling centres of Southern Ontario, and came upon this scene along the Grand River. Super peaceful and quiet for an area this gorgeous. Apparently its known for some really cool fog conditions year round, but I was skunked a bit from that side... Light was nice though. IMG_1485.JPG

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