Snow, Snow and more Snow


Dec 23, 2018
What the heck is going on? Everytime I've pulled up the forecast for Utah recently, they've been calling for snow :) I'm thinking I may need to pack some snowshoes for my "spring" trip to ZNP.
YES! Crazy snow..........Many places across the West are going to get hammered by storms for the next week.
argh I had a desert trip planned for later this week and we called it off today, just cold and wet down there
Headed to Joshua Tree area in 2 weeks. SoCal getting hit hard this week. Cancelled a stay at Idyllwild, CA - no chains for rental car and girlfriend refused to camp with highs in the 40's. JT ain't looking much warmer at this point.
Another nice balmy morning.... 20 below at 9am.... Snow stick is at 4 ft 10 inches .... About normal here. Hwy 20 closed since yesterday.... Nice!
Can't recall the year, sometime in the late 80s, the CO River flooded a good portion of Moab near the wetlands, including that area where Courthouse Wash enters the big river, where now some new hotels sit.
I feel your pain. I have a Moab bikepacking trip planned early March, and the snow has put a damper on my training and potentially the trip.
on the flip side of snow making things more difficult, I often have dreams of using it to make trips possible that wouldn't be otherwise. for example years ago I was up on the Block (detached mesas a bit south of the Big Ridge) in spring and while it was overall nice dry weather, there was plenty of snow hiding in sheltered north-facing areas, making what would otherwise a painfully dry area into some totally relaxed backpacking.
Out here in the plains we're getting some pretty fair snow. I'm ready for it to warm up and rain instead, but happy for whatever moisture we can get after the past few dry years. Good to see the West getting moisture too.
on the flip side of snow making things more difficult, I often have dreams of using it to make trips possible that wouldn't be otherwise. for example years ago I was up on the Block (detached mesas a bit south of the Big Ridge) in spring and while it was overall nice dry weather, there was plenty of snow hiding in sheltered north-facing areas, making what would otherwise a painfully dry area into some totally relaxed backpacking.
That trip is on my to-do list!!
That trip is on my to-do list!!
The Block is very cool, I've meant to get back there but haven't managed. I've heard that the Cove Spring road has gotten worse, but I don't remember where I heard that. I found Allen's exit from Happy Canyon to the Big Ridge to be pretty sketch. I have not done the entire route, just some pieces.
does anyone know what the Hanksville area looks like, and especially for example the road to Hans Flat, after this storm?

I was thinking about heading down there early this coming week, but will adjust plans if the roads are slippy with melting snow
8 more inches last night..... Up to 5 1l2 feet on the flat by the house
does anyone know what the Hanksville area looks like, and especially for example the road to Hans Flat, after this storm?

I was thinking about heading down there early this coming week, but will adjust plans if the roads are slippy with melting snow

Canyonlands NP has a conditions report as of yesterday:

  • Highway 24 to Hans Flat: Impassable due to 3-4 foot drifts of snow and extreme winter weather conditions on all access roads.
  • Hans Flat to top of Flint Trail 4WD Road: Impassable due to deep snow and extreme winter weather conditions.