New BCP Updates


Aug 9, 2007
Hey everybody. The site is back up after being down for about 6 hours today for upgrades. The heavy lifting is done but there's still a ton of little things including minor bugs and quirks that need to be fixed. But for now, the site is functional enough that you can at least post and read threads. Just sit tight on some of the little quirks as we get them worked out. Please let me know about any issues or questions you may have.

One of the bugs is the supporter badges. Lifetime supporter badges are huge and regular supporter badges are missing. Working on it!
Not sure if you are still working on the website, but I am seeing some alignment issues with the new updated website.
I am using Windows 10 / Internet Explorer 11.
I'm seeing the same issue as Cool Danish. I, too, am on IE11.
One more thing I noticed...I'm still seeing the alignment issue but also seeing a whole lot of blank space at the bottom of threads, between the "Similar threads" section and the very bottom of the page with the "connect with us" section. Some threads seem to have more of the blank space than others.
One more thing I noticed...I'm still seeing the alignment issue but also seeing a whole lot of blank space at the bottom of threads, between the "Similar threads" section and the very bottom of the page with the "connect with us" section. Some threads seem to have more of the blank space than others.

Can you take a screenshot?
Not really much to see from a screenshot, it's just a black screen. But, here's what I'm seeing. This is from John Goerich's trip report about the Tobacco Roots. That black space at the bottom goes down quite a ways. You might be able to see my scroll bar to the far right if you look close enough to give it perspective. Like I said, some threads are worse than others, I just happened to notice that one seemed to be pretty bad.

View attachment 64738
oh, weird, I could see it before and now it's gone. let's try this again...
