Guess the spot

OK, I guess it could be the same rock as the Maroon Bells. The Elk Mountains?
Name the peak. Extra credit name the 5.8 route going through the striking, characteristic feature on the wall.

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Sorry @LarryBoy . @slc_dan got it. I bestow upon you, Underscore, the extra credit of the title of Grand Poobah of Wasatch Mountain knowledge. Kudos to knowing this Spot especially since you stuck your hands in it and scared yourself silly on it. I found it enough fun to trudge up there and climb it 2 or 3 different times.

You are UP, Grand Poobah!
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Thee Grand Poobah will post something tonight, when I have access to my photo library at home.
looks like Cedar Mesa, like Owl Canyon. but i wouldn't be surprised if you were some where more off the beaten path than that.
Well that would likely make it Jumpup canyon which is a tributary of Kanab Creek which itself a tributary of the Colorado below the north rim of the big ditch in GCNP. Could be the Sowats canyon tributary of Jumpup too. As you say, I didn't walk either since I was resting that day :)
For this Spot challenge I present my future retirement chair location. This is one of my Artitude pics demonstrating my attitude: contemplative appreciation of our natural world. Guess the chair's specific location and join me here during retirement.


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