Guess the spot

It is not North and South Burro Peaks is it?
Failing that is in the west or east ends of the High Uintas?
It is not North and South Burro Peaks is it?
Failing that is in the west or east ends of the High Uintas?

Not the burros. Hrm... looking on a big map it's almost equidistant between Leidy Peak and MLH. Maybe a little closer to MLH so not sure If I would call it east or west.
Not the burros. Hrm... looking on a big map it's almost equidistant between Leidy Peak and MLH. Maybe a little closer to MLH so not sure If I would call it east or west.
So I guess you would call it center! :) You got me, doesn't ring a bell.
One last hint... If you take stroll along the ridge line north west for say six or so miles you're in for a royal treat.
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Well that sure looks like the Chepeta Lake dam. Knowing you that could be the case but those high of peaks near it are a problem. Guessing peak 11,896 or Cleve (Cleveland? 12,514) peak? It is a problem because I don't remember high peaks that close to the lake west of the dam. But the King's Peak reference.... ~conflicted.
One last hint... If you take stroll along the ridge line north east for say six or so miles you're in for a royal treat.

Woops! I meant to say “... north west...”

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Well that sure looks like the Chepeta Lake dam. Knowing you that could be the case but those high of peaks near it are a problem. Guessing peak 11,896 or Cleve (Cleveland? 12,514) peak? It is a problem because I don't remember high peaks that close to the lake west of the dam. But the King's Peak reference.... ~conflicted.

Wow, you’re right, it does look a lot like the Chepeta Lake dam. But it’s not Chepeta Lake.

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Well I don't know of or see any reservoirs east of King's and west of Chepeta. Stymied...
If one were to head from Painters Basin over Trail Rider Pass you would soon reach this lake.

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Well I guess it must be Lake Atwood. Doesn't really look like a reservoir on the USGS map but satellite view shows a possible dam that may have been partially reclaimed? So, Mt.Emmons?
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