Guess the spot

Somehow I suspect it has something to do with Yellowstone, but I have no idea why I would think something like that. :)
is it in the mission mountains?
I have a quota? Shoots.

Bridgers? Madisons? Tobacco Root?

I know it's somewhere out there.

Top notch peak? Granite Peak? OK, I'm out of shot.
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Let me call @Artemus and see if he'll come pull me out. Except he's on his way somewhere else, I suspect, knowing him, trying to up his bag night count. I'd call @Ben, but he's busy printing up "I guessed one of Ben's hard to guess spots that I thought was in Alaska but actually wasn't" t-shirts.

ETA: Still stuck, but I made a call to Phone-a-Friend: gneiss notch peak?
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Outdoor_Fool, am thinking somewhere in the Beartooths. Could this be off of the Beartooth Highway? There is some really serious peaks like this in the Beartooths but it has been a few years since have been in that country. Nice peak though.

Years ago hiked up Rock Creek in the Beartooths, all of these lakes everywhere and nice peaks, over a high pass, then down some drainage I forgot the name of ... gotta check a map of the Beartooths.

Adding a guess here .... Silver Run Peak and Plateau Area in the Beartooths???

Personally I remember hiking in there years ago and climbed Silver Run Peak and Plateau .... sooooo many nice peaks in there.
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o'Fool, can you confirm that the peak is not within the comprehensive guess set that Skipper offered up? If not, this will be a lot harder....

And, @Rockskipper, I offered for you to call me if you got permanently stuck in your hammock again tonight so that I could talk you through self-rescue. Not to drive all the way to G'springs necessarily, first I would try to call @gnwatts or @IntrepidXJ to come rescue you first since they are closer. Perhaps you should sew in some safety release velcro hatches in your hammock bottom before you get stuck in that thing for the night, again. Then your doggies might be able coaxed into releasing you too... :whistle: Pro survival tip: take your phone in there with you.

What has become of our Guess the Spot contest? It is kinda fun...
So not in the Beartooths and as you said earlier, not in the Winds either .... Hmmmm!

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