Guess the spot

Apgar lookout on Apgar Mtn?

Wherever it is you're one lucky doggie. Do you need someone to help you drink beer or take photos or send out Morse code messages or anything?

Heh. I'd kill for a few gallons of ice cream up here, but you'd need a pack mule and a bunch of dry ice. :)

I'm not at Apgar, but the mountains across the valley are definitely icons of America's coolest national park.

Spotted a fire yesterday!
I bet you have a few good lightning stories, but at least you don't have to worry about falshfloods. I hope the fire's out. Ever run into this guy up there?

I heard Abbey speak when I was in college, but I would have just been a kid when he summered at Numa Ridge lookout. The old-timers here claim that he plagiarized much of his lookout diary!
He got some of his names (like Seldom Seen) from old Desert Magazine stories, but that's how writers work. But to out and out plagiarize, well...nothing surprises me. I checked out the Numa Ridge Lookout earlier, and it didn't look like where you're at, as Bowman Lake would be close by, right?
Glacier is the country's coolest National Park? With all due respect...NFW. Heeh heeh.

Every been to Moose Basin Dvide? Elder Brothers Caverns [caves]? Rimrock Lake? Coyote Lake? Climber the CMC route on Moran? Complete Exum? I'm guessing not. Heeh. heeh.

It's awesome when different opinions are both incredibly spectacular.
I'll bet you've never been to this one DC....LOL
I could kick myself for not visiting Coyote and Rimrock when I was up at the Forget-Me Not Lakes.
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