Guess the spot: Utah Edition

It feels more to me that you are on the slope of the Henry's looking west... but I do not know road or place names to put that together with your clue.
Henry Mountain Road?
It feels more to me that you are on the slope of the Henry's looking west... but I do not know road or place names to put that together with your clue.
Henry Mountain Road?
Henry's looking west to Waterpocket fold, amongst other things.
I was a little higher than Henry Mountain Road. The feature name on the map and the name of a nearby road was "Nasty flat".
Also, just by Bull Creek Pass.

Give us one of those Ugly pictures.
Wow, it's been a while since I got one! You all are too savvy and well-traveled. I don't have a ton to select from, so he's one that's not very backcountry.

Name the location or body of water:


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