Guess the spot: Utah Edition

You have it! :)
The picture shows the narrows of Mineral Gulch.
We started from the old SR 9 down Meadow Creek towards Parunuweap and spent a night there. On the next morning we walked out via 7-Canyon.

You’re up, John!

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Traverse from Horse Canyon towards The Gulch? :)

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There’s a large population of wild roses.

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I’ve no idea why that faint trail to the little cavelike shelter looks like blocked off.

What’s also in the near? Water.

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A serpent of asphalt, 123 miles long is in the neighborhood. :)
Fish Creek Cove is to far in the north.
The little cave is bordered by two creeks and the well known Rd. :)

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@Nick and Nate has been here. Two handprints and moki steps are along the way.
oof, it sounds like you're talking about Boulder Creek but I was just through there last fall and do not recall seeing anything that looks like this!
You have it, John. :)
It’s Middle Boulder Creek loop. From Hwy 12 down to the creek, via moki steps up to the plateau and back to the Hwy.

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