Guess the spot: Utah Edition

That's where I started, and I've even been up there, but I can't figure out what you were going to see. There're some petroglyphs nearby, but other than that, I don't know, unless it's that deep pothole on the far edge. But when I go places, I tend to get lost a lot in the minor stuff and lose the bigger picture, so this may be one of those times.
@Udink finally got it right! your turn..

Sorry about another east/west confusion, we Europeans (@Michael and myself:oops:) seem to have lost the feeling for what is West or East and start mixing it up.

For me, maybe, it was because it was well after midnight, and despite being already tired, couldn't stop listening to CNN, and got distracted and confused by a "unprecendented and unpresidential telephone call" that could easily overshadow the legacy of Tricky Dick.
Yes! Taken directly at Powell Point, looking out over Highway 12 (visible just left of center) toward Canaan Peak.
Powell Point and environs is such a cool spot. I know Utah's got a lot of gems, but I'm kinda surprised that it's as overlooked as it is.
@John Morrow I like the name Sweet Badlands. I need to discover some badlands that need naming.

OK, though a little hazy, this location is actually very obvious if you look at the clues. Name the mesa this was taken from.

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