Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Hint: Closeup of the center installation... I can see the Google Earth survey clicks adding up..popcorn.gif
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This is the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in Ivanpah Dry Lake, CA. Just north of I-15 on th California Nevada border. 35.557 -115.469

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You got it Wayne! Yorup.
The Ivanpah Solar Plant is very interesting technology. 350 MWatts of solar electricity with NO CO2 generation, very little pollution generated and very little water used. These are the upsides. The downsides are it consumes an enormous amount of real estate (four thousand acres of desert public land including Desert Tortise habitat) and it kills birds. At least they seem to be trying to do right environmentally. The web site, pictures and virtual tour are really neat here and you can see some non-company environmental opinion at the wikipedia article here. The 170,000! heliostats (mirrors) make it an interesting visual from space. Each one is on its own computer-controlled, sun-tracking drive.

I just drove by it and got some 20 mph pictures in stop-and-go I15/Las Vegas rush hour traffic out in the middle of nowhere by Mojave National Preserve. Two of the towers online and boiling whatever chemical they use.

Hint: This is another massive Solar Energy Project that is in Southern California. It has a capacity of 160 MW. There is another Solar Project that is being built next to this one that will be complete in 2014 and produce 250 MW of electricity.

I've been watching these projects with interest for some time, unfortunately they destroy large sections of land.
Yes they do Wayne. I will put something up tonight unless someone wants to jump in here afternoon. Go for it!

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