Guess the Spot: Eastern US Edition

I'll go ahead and throw up something obvious if you have been in the area before

Is this RRG also?
In this photo, the fog is rising above Chimney Top Creek. We camped near Hanson's Point and had great views! If I got the geography wrong in my hint, I'm sorry for confusing you!

I can see it now that you tell me where you were, I'm just terrible at these internet games :)
Not Red River Gorge and not Linville Gorge (never been there, but on my list), not in KY or NC at all.
look closely and you may be able to identify this mountain ...
Simple rules: correctly guess the location of the current photo and when you win, post a new photo for others to guess. Make sure to use the @ tagging feature when someone wins so they don't forget about the thread.

So we don't get our streams crossed, I suggest that who ever guesses @kwc's photo posts the next one. Or people can keep posting lots of photos and we can guess at any/all of them

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