Guess the Spot: Eastern US Edition

Had to look up Linville Gorge. Would like to see it someday. But, not there or in ADK. Not on AT either but is taken from a peak on a major peakbagger's list.
are those balsam fir in the foreground? They are true firs (Abies xxxxx) with the cones pointing up and being picked apart by small mammals
I only have one other reasonable photo from on top. It shows the trees better, but they are not in focus as I was aiming at the horizon. Don't see any cones but they certainly look like fir. One thing I do remember is that the final ascent was steep, the trail very narrow with lots of pushing through these trees!

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I’m guessing New Hampshire, somewhere neat the White Mountains. Where exactly I haven’t a clue.
NH Whites is the right place. 2 other clues: it's on the NE 100 list and near one of the NH 48 with this view (we hiked it the day before):

You're on the right track. I included the tower in the photo to narrow down the list of NH 48 to those with open observation towers. The peak in the original post is in the list of the NE 100, near the NH 48 peak with the tower. According to Google Maps, the peaks are 4 miles apart.

Maybe I should disclose the answer tomorrow in case folks are getting tired of this one. The NH 100 peak is a good one to do as part of a short backpack in the Whites. The NE 100 don't get nearly the hiking pressure that the NH 48 do.
I think those are some good hints @OldBill. I just don't have spare time today to use them! Maybe someone else does.
Headed out for a week so thought I should disclose the answer:

First 2 photos are from Mount Nancy, NH.

3rd photo from the tower atop Mt. Carrigain. I believe Nancy is the peak at center-right, but it's been too long for me to be certain. Both great hikes, with Nancy far less crowded.

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