
Great piece by Cirque Du Soleil. Makes me wonder if these aircraft were synchronized autonomously using a mesh network. This is a budding research field. Similar to some time ago when a videography company built a Star Trek formation in the sky at night using lights on the quadcopters that maintained formation autonomously.

A little mountain biking.

Wild! When he was standing on the pinnacle on his bike I kept thinking that must be a stuntman stand-in. The I remembered Dany IS a stuntrider.

Not a big fan of him riding on the alpine tundra though...
Double WILD! Good find. A modern take on the Warren Miller films to get us syched for the downhill run. Snow ON!
I saw Chasing Ice up at the Park City library. Truly fantastic film.
A nice Utah MTB/base jumping combo;

Moderator note: embedded video removed. Link to YouTube is below. The video is technically NSFW because they slipped in like 2 seconds of bare female chest.

Link to video on YouTube. (NSFW)
A nice Utah MTB/base jumping combo;

That is kind of a bizarre video. Between the slayer playing and the random, out of nowhere boob shot, I'm surprised it came from Camp4 Collective (maybe I shouldn't be?). Kind of made me not even notice the whole riding bike off cliff part. Thanks for posting though, definitely interesting.

Side note - I removed the actual video embed and linked to YouTube just so folks at work or who don't want that boob flash don't get it accidentally. :)
Here is one that is out of the ordinary but relates well to my belief that we need to keep exploring. Probably a better posting for and not but really good nonetheless. As usual high-def, full-screen and louden it.
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Wow Nick, that is about the best tribute to the natural history of our state that can be made. Beautifully filmed!
Would love to move out west or up north but my wife is back in grad school for another year and a half and doesn't want to leave her family when she's done. Hoping she'll come around eventually but it's not the type of thing you can push on someone. Thank god we have airplanes!

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