Beartooth Wilderness - Flat Rock Lake Lollipop Loop - July 26, 2021

So what does your menu look like in September?
breakfast. hopefully coffee n powdered heavy cream,oatmeal with some fancy praline pecans in it, granola n milk
lunch Tortillias peanut butter n McDonald’s jelly, homemade power bars, jerky ( beef or chicken)n cheese,
supper. freeze died beef stroganoff, fd chicken, stove top stuffing with chicken, carrots n peas, cous cous n
Chicken n veggies, beef n bean tortillas with some salsa, frito chili pie…

what do you usually bring? I’m always up for better backcountry food!
If there’s no fire ban, do we wanna bring in steaks ( B E E F )n potatoes and corn on th cob
to bake For th first night?
breakfast. hopefully coffee n powdered heavy cream,oatmeal with some fancy praline pecans in it, granola n milk
lunch Tortillias peanut butter n McDonald’s jelly, homemade power bars, jerky ( beef or chicken)n cheese,
supper. freeze died beef stroganoff, fd chicken, stove top stuffing with chicken, carrots n peas, cous cous n
Chicken n veggies, beef n bean tortillas with some salsa, frito chili pie…

what do you usually bring? I’m always up for better backcountry food!
If there’s no fire ban, do we wanna bring in steaks ( B E E F )n potatoes and corn on th cob
to bake For th first night?
That's one day?
That's one day?
Good one!

It could be if y’all are hikin me into th ground( if ya do Scat’s tendency to git th eyes close to th ground will come in handy for locatin me!)

Hopefully that amount will last me a few days…
Good one!

It could be if y’all are hikin me into th ground( if ya do Scat’s tendency to git th eyes close to th ground will come in handy for locatin me!)

Hopefully that amount will last me a few days…
I promise I'll find you! :D

Hey, I just picked up my official permit for my 6 days on the Snake River, and Yellowstone still has a fire ban in the backcountry.
No, doing a lollipop loop upriver from the South Entrance
Far out! Please take pics this time as, being honest here, I’m needin more documentation of yer trips. Honest.. love em!
By thway,Thot ya might wanna knowthis. Y’all were 20 degrees warmer than here today. Nature out of balance.
Far out! Please take pics this time as, being honest here, I’m needin more documentation of yer trips. Honest.. love em!
By thway,Thot ya might wanna knowthis. Y’all were 20 degrees warmer than here today. Nature out of balance.

It reached 100 here today, but there is supposed to be a cool front moving through tonight, so only 87 tomorrow. :thumbsup:

I'm guessing that I will take plenty of pictures.
Lol .... 70 deg right now at 940.... High was 80 in island park.....
Thanks for the report and great pictures. I've literally had almost the same trip mapped out in CalTopo for the last two years. Maybe I'll make it out there this year. Same amount of days, but I was going to make it a little easier and head south towards Summerville and back. Your report confirms my interest, but does little to secure the time and money needed for the trip!
Thanks for the report and great pictures. I've literally had almost the same trip mapped out in CalTopo for the last two years. Maybe I'll make it out there this year. Same amount of days, but I was going to make it a little easier and head south towards Summerville and back. Your report confirms my interest, but does little to secure the time and money needed for the trip!

Heading back up in late July/early August time frame in 2022 if you'd like to tag along, and you can find the time and money to make it.
I day hiked to Albino Lake and climbed up Lonesome Mountain last year. I wished I could have ventured more into the wilderness as it was gorgeous. But my day hours were limited, I still had to go back to my car.
I day hiked to Albino Lake and climbed up Lonesome Mountain last year. I wished I could have ventured more into the wilderness as it was gorgeous. But my day hours were limited, I still had to go back to my car.

Definitely worth a trip back to do some more exploring if you get a chance.
Tag along for or next year's trip... Will be interesting
Great trip report! What was the date of this trip? I see you posted in early August, perhaps the trip was in July? I'll be backpacking through the Plateau in mid August (14-20) and hopeful the mosquitoes won't be so bad at that time. Also, I feel like I've seen @Bob on My Own Frontier on youtube, one and the same??
Great trip report! What was the date of this trip? I see you posted in early August, perhaps the trip was in July? I'll be backpacking through the Plateau in mid August (14-20) and hopeful the mosquitoes won't be so bad at that time. Also, I feel like I've seen @Bob on My Own Frontier on youtube, one and the same??
Check the title of the post :)

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