2001: A Space Odyssey in Utah

Never mind.
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Is Banksy graffiti or art? He's incredibly talented, but is urban. Is Montana Banksy graffiti or art? Her work is also incredible, but is found only in natural settings.

I like Montana Banksy because her work disappears when the river gets high, and it's carried away, and she uses only rocks, so she's rearranging what's already there but in an impermanent way. Banksy is making what's already there more tolerable (cityscapes) by making it more interesting and artful, but I would still call it grafitti, whereas I would call Montana Banksy's stuff art. Like Greg says, your definition depends on how it makes you feel.

Sometimes I think humans are a blight and other times I think we're incredible works of evolution. Either way, we're the most entropic of all the species. But none of what we think is important, if you look at things in geologic time.
Based on the timeline estimates of when it was installed, it was put up in the original boundaries of Bears Ears National Monument. Glad someone removed it so quickly after discovery. It's one thing to do an ephemeral installation out of local materials (still questionable in a National Monument); it's another to put up a permanent installation.
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I like some of the comments on KSL:

Let us have a moment of silence for all the Instagram photos that never had the chance to be taken.... because that's the only reason people could have wanted to go see it, so they could take their picture next to it.

Poor tourists. All the hype and hullabaloo, then all of that travel and hiking only to encounter a gonolith!

The Joke is on all of us.

so what next a bbq and smoker appear in a remote area of arches and people think aliens want to have a cookout?

Aliens are moving camp.

This story is best read will listening to Also Sprach Zarathustra.

Do we even know if it was there in the first place? This could have been one of the more elaborate pranks ever pulled.

I go on public lands all the time I take stuff back with me every time. Shot up computers, trash, beer cans, washing machines- All manner of junk that looser users shoot up and leave there. Everyone should try it. It feels pretty good.
Now personally have tried to stay away from this topic and thread. My mind has been elsewhere as of late. But guess will say something. Right now the world and our society is a mess it seems. And to myself personally, a Big Mess!!! Most people it seems are sooooo alienated from the wilds and from living the right way with our natural Earth.

Remember the movie 2001 Space Odyssey when it came out many years ago. This thing in Utah was different then what was in those movies. Am surprised by just how much much attention this has received. Now with everything going on and people only can talk of this, maybe our human mindsets have not not really changed that much from our supposed Ape ancestors. People rush out in the desert to see this thing, but will people rush to the outdoors - to the deep wilds, to a place by themselves with no human artifacts to get some peace of mind and advocate for this. Not Likely and not nearly it seems as this monolith has received.

All I can say is ... Good Grief !!!! As of late, how much my thoughts have been running towards those big undeveloped tracks of wilderness that are out there where someone like myself can run back into and get totally away from this modern complete completely totally insane modern culture!!!!! Maybe am different then most others for having been watching old shows from the Grizzly Adams show and thinking how it was in the days gone by. And thinking just these few months more of winter then running to disappearing into the big wilds again once I leave work next spring. Give Me Wilderness or ... Guess have made my point.

Sorry but just my viewpoint. Maybe I don't see the whole thing but my mind has been elsewhere ... The True Wilderness and not some freaking monolith!

Several quotes ...
From the movie the Mountain Man - " Remember the first time we saw the Tetons, one could travel a year in any direction with just your rifle, live good and easy, and never say 'Sir' to anybody".

From a sign in Wyoming ... "At the end of the road where the trails and life begin."

Hey Bear, There is a world which we do not have to run!
Hey Bear, There is a world living free in harmony, in majesty!
Take Me Home Mountain Wilds Take Me Home!

Hope one is not offended by this post but just my thoughts.Wishing Everyone the Best!
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A couple more thoughts on this then I will shut up.
A few different examples of "environmental" art.

Most of his stuff is urban. All of it is on paper, so eventually it disappears:


Andy Goldsworthy


But he also does stuff that is fairly permanent:

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A couple more thoughts on this then I will shut up.
A few different examples of "environmental" art.

Most of his stuff is urban. All of it is on paper, so eventually it disappears:

View attachment 94251

Andy Goldsworthy

View attachment 94252

But he also does stuff that is fairly permanent:

View attachment 94253
Don't care for the first, but I like the ice one, but when I see the wall, I think, well, he's totally disrupted the pathway of little critters who can't climb. Now they have to learn to ice skate if they want to go 'round.
And apparently this is the final image of it being taken away by our monkey wrenching heroes. They said “You don’t leave trash in the desert,” and “Leave no trace,” as they pushed it over.

The monolith should be put in a city park in Moab. The people that removed it are total hypocrites. They did not restore the area. They ripped it out in the middle of the night like a bunch of thieves. It should have been left for the BLM to decide what to do. If you are really concerned about leaving no trace there is a ton of trash that could be removed from public lands.

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